The Cores Power

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Leroy and his friends make it to Professor Reds lab. Leroy goes to see Professor Red down in the core area. Professor Red fixes up some wires near the control station. "That ought to do it." He said. Leroy entered with Trevil, Hunter Green Steve and Nickle. "Oh hello Leroy." Professor Red says, "Wasn't expecting all four of you to come." "Okay, before we do this. Professor, are you sure this will work?" Nickle asks. "Well, it depends really. I've never really tested this before. So it depends on how stable Leroy's body is to hold all the energy." Professor Red says. "Oh. Well, is this a good idea?" Trevil asks. "We can give it a try. If anything goes wrong, I'll try to turn it off. But Leroy, this is your decision. Do you want to take this risk?" Professor Red asks. Leroy looked at the core, his friends and sighed. "Whatever it takes to defeat Wrath Steve and Eternal Dark King." He says. Professor Red sighs. "Alright. I'll hook you up to the machine." He says. Professor Red gets Leroy ready for the core to give him some power. Leroy prepares himself by taking several deep breaths and calming himself. Nickle and the others also prepare themselves in case Leroy is killed. Nickle turns to Professor Red. "This is gonna work right?" She asks. Professor Red looks at her. "I can't say yes or no." He says. Nickle sighs and puts her head down. Professor Red began powering up the machine. After turning it on, he grabs the lever but stops to give a moment to Leroy and his friends to prepare. Leroy sighs shutting his eyes. "Here goes nothing." Professor Red says. He pulls the lever. The core immediately responded by emitting a bright red glow that made everyone cover their eyes. Then almost immediately, the power from the core recognized Leroy was attached and then Leroy began absorbing the power. Nickle covers her eyes. Professor Red turned away. Hunter Green Steve was praying that Leroy would stay alive and Trevil was waiting for something to happen. Leroy put his hands over his head after the amount of energy began affecting him further. Leroy took a step from the energy putting so much pressure on him. He still was holding the Navy Diamond. Then it began glowing itself. Leroy's other hand glowed yellow from his own power. Then after a few moments, he opened his eyes and they were red from the core powering him completely. They all looked up at Leroy who was now levitating from the core powering him. Professor Red gasps. The others also gasp. Leroy lands. He was alright. "Thank goodness." Professor Red says. "Leroy, how do you feel?" Nickle asks. Leroy looks at his hands. "Stronger." He says.

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