Change Of Plans

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Leroy, Hunter Green Steve, Trevil, Nickle and Professor Red return to the Yellow Kingdom castle. There was a red light glowing from Leroy's chest after the core powered him. He was still holding the navy diamond. The five enter the throne room. "Leroy! Are you alright?" Green Steve asks when he saw them. "I'm fine. Lucky I was able to absorb the power and survive." Leroy says. Yellow Leader sighs of relief. "Well, now we need to make a full plan on what to do." Nickle says. "Well we were already thinking on what to do after you left." Green Steve says walking over to a table. The others walk over to the table as well. "Leroy, you were right about how we can't leave Earth unsafe like that. Since Wrath Steve and Eternal Dark King can spread darkness through Earth then you need to keep Earth safe." Yellow Leader says. "Yeah. Especially after what he did to Light Steve. But what about the diamonds?" Leroy asks. "Well, we will have to search for those ourselves. For now, you four need to keep Earth safe. Me, Green Steve, Professor Red and some other steves will try and find the diamonds for you Leroy. When we find them, we will get the diamonds to you. For now, you have to go back to Earth and protect it for as long as you can. You're very powerful already Leroy with the core, your power and the Navy diamond so keep Wrath Steve from going to a farther place on Earth or we may never be able to stop him." Yellow Leader says. "Good point. But let's hope no one ends up how Light Steve did." Hunter Green Steve says. "Yeah." Nickle says putting her head down. Leroy thought for a moment. "I'll try. Just hoping I don't lose no one else." He says. "Good luck Leroy. We will get the diamonds to you when we find them." Green Steve says putting his hand on his shoulder. Leroy sighs and nods. Leroy, Nickle, Hunter Green Steve and Trevil make it to Leroy's house and they get ready to enter. But before they could, the group hear a bark. Leroy turns towards Rocky who was looking at them concerned. "Would bringing Rocky be a good idea?" Nickle asks. "Well, we should leave her at your house but she can come too." Leroy says. They all agree and Rocky comes with them to Earth.

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