A Shocking Betrayal

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The five enter Earth. Leroy sighs. "We better find them. Leroy, you sensed them before, can you sense them now?" Nickle asks. "I do sense something but I'm not sure what it is." Leroy says. "Well, do you know where it is?" Trevil asks. "Yes. Come on." He says rushing out the door. The others follow. Rocky stayed behind. But halfway through the town, Leroy skids to a stop. The others almost crashed into him. "What's wrong Leroy?" Nickle asks. "The sense just went away." He says. "Oh. Well, do you sense anything else?" Trevil asks. "No." Leroy says. But then, they all hear a caw. They all look up and there was the eagle Leroy saw earlier. "Oh." Hunter Green Steve says. The eagle flies down and lands on Leroy's shoulder. "Did you tame that eagle?" Nickle asks. "Not exactly. He just came out of nowhere and lead me to that library." Leroy says. The eagle caws at Leroy and flies up. It was gesturing somewhere. "I think its trying to lead us somewhere." Trevil says. "Follow it." Leroy says. The eagle flies off and they follow it. The eagle lead them down an alleyway. "Where is it taking us?" Nickle asks. "I don't know." Leroy says. But then he gasps. "I sense something." He says starting to run faster. The eagle caws back at him. They all began running faster. The eagle turned down another area in the alleyway and then landed. "Why did it stop?" Trevil asks. But then they hear something. Leroy runs down a path and then heard voices in the building next to the alleyway they were in. The four enter and kneel down behind a wall near the entrance. But then Leroy noticed Wrath Steve and Eternal Dark King. He gasped. "Guys, be quiet, Wrath and Eternal Dark King are here." He whispers. Wrath Steve and Eternal Dark King were arguing. "What is wrong with you?" Wrath Steve asks Eternal Dark King. "You realize that this is wrong right? I know I'd normally be up to spreading darkness throughout the world but after what you did before, I'm not letting you do that. Plus, Leroy is stronger than you now." Eternal Dark King exclaims. Leroy gasps. The others gasp as well. Wrath Steve scoffs. "Oh please. He's not stronger than me. He never was and never will be." He says turning his back to Eternal Dark King. "What the heck is he talking about?" Hunter Green Steve whispers. Leroy shushes him. Wrath Steve and Eternal Dark King kept their heated argument on for a while until Eternal Dark King said, "He has the navy diamond power now. You saw what that did to you before. They're going to stop you." "Shut up! If you think that, then maybe you shouldn't continue with me!" Wrath Steve exclaims turning back to him. Eternal Dark King backs up against the wall. "Wrath St-" Wrath Steve grabs him by the chest and holds him against the wall. Leroy gasps. "I'm done with you." Wrath Steve says to Eternal Dark King. He punches him in the face. Leroy backs up against the wall they were hiding behind. Wrath Steve punched Eternal Dark King many times right in the face until it started bleeding. Leroy and the others were shocked. Wrath Steve then revealed he had claws then sliced open Eternal Dark Kings throat. Leroy gasped. Wrath Steve threw Eternal Dark King to the ground. Eternal Dark King was bleeding so much now from his face and neck. Wrath Steve stared down at him for a while. "I shouldn't have let you come with me." Wrath Steve says mocking him. He walks away and teleports himself out of there. Eternal Dark King was staring at where Wrath Steve teleported in shock. He mostly was upset over how he betrayed him. Leroy was staring in shock. "Oh my god." Nickle says still whispering. Leroy gets up and runs out from behind the wall. Eternal Dark King was trying to lift himself up but was having a hard time as he was dying. The others rush out from behind the wall as well. "My god. Eternal Dark King." Leroy says kneeling down in front of him. "Leroy. Ugh. I shouldn't have joined him. I knew he was powerful but he is so selfish and never thinks ahead. He's not going to give up. Leroy, you have to stop him." Eternal Dark King says. "We aren't giving up either." Hunter Green Steve says. Leroy puts his head down sadly. "Leroy, look at me." Eternal Dark King says. He looks at him. Then Eternal Dark King quickly grabs Leroy's hand trying to seek comfort out of hope for how he's been betrayed. Especially since he was dying. They hold hands for a moment and then Eternal Dark King dies. Leroy sighs and let's go of his hand standing back up. "We better hurry." He says. They all agree and rush out of the building to go find Wrath Steve.

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