Wake Up

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Leroy looked at where Wrath Steve stabbed him. "You fool." Wrath Steve says. He rips the sword out of Leroy and also kicks him away. Leroy staggers back. But then he falls to the ground. Leroy woke up in the white void he was in before. "Shadow Sabre?" Leroy says. No response. "Hello?" Leroy says. Still no response. "Anyone there?" He says. He sighs. But then he heard a voice. "Leroy..." It said. Leroy looks around. "Hello?" Leroy says. "From beginning to end. From end to beginning. You can't continue like this." The voice said. Leroy looked around confused. "Where are you?" He shouts. "You need to wake up." The voice says. Leroy gasped. But then the voice continues repeating, "Wake Up." Over and over again. Leroy covered his ears. But then, the voice became very distorted. "W̷a̵k̷e̸ ̶u̴p̷ Ẉ̷̛̝͉̣̈́̊ȧ̶͙̻̠̪͌͂k̴̬̦̔̂ͅè̴͓͙̪̓̉̚ ̴̱̽̀͗͐ú̶̳̮̌̆p̵͖͐̕." It said. Leroy kept hearing it over and over again. It was starting to drive him to pure insanity. "STOP!" He screams. But then lighting strikes in front of him. He uncovers his ears and then Shadow Sabre appears. "What is wrong with you?" Leroy asks. "I was just messing with you but this is serious. You have to wake up Leroy. Your friends are in danger." Shadow Sabre says. Leroy gasps. "He stabbed me in the heart though." He says. "The Navy Diamond protected your heart. A shield has been formed around your heart which was why it was hurting earlier." Shadow Sabre says, "The eagle showed you the bloodbath to show you Wrath Steve was starting to spread darkness." Leroy puts his head down. "Your power is evolving Leroy and once the core is ready to power you. You will become as strong as Wrath Steve. Same goes to when you turn into Rainbow Steve." Shadow Sabre says. Leroy looks at him. "You got this Leroy. It's your only chance. But there is one last thing." Shadow Sabre says. "What?" Leroy asks. "One of your friends is going to sacrifice themselves in this fight you're in." Shadow Sabre says. Leroy gasps. "What? Who?" He asks. "I can't say. But I sense that someone in your group will once you wake up." Shadow Sabre says. Leroy puts his head down. "I'm still going to be here in your mind. You need to go now." Shadow Sabre says. Leroy sighs and nods. Shadow Sabre teleports Leroy out of his mind.

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