The Final Fight

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Leroy stood back up. Wrath Steve couldn't believe it now. He was shocked at how Leroy was able to absorb the rainbow diamond and become Rainbow Steve. Wrath Steve growled and then roared. Leroy screamed his own name again and the two rushed at each other locking in battle immediately. Leroy punched Wrath Steve back up. "We must assist the fifth hero!" Yellow Leader says. They all agree. Wrath Steve punches Leroy in the mouth but before Wrath Steve could attack him again, he is shot twice. He looks down and saw Chips and Hunter Green Steve holding their guns at him. Wrath Steve was about to go for Leroy's friends but then the other steves shot their powers at him and Nickle had her own pistol and began shooting Wrath Steve. Then Leroy rushes at Wrath Steve pushing him away. He grabs his throat. "You killed Light Steve and you killed my dog! This is where you must die!" He exclaims. Wrath Steve kicks Leroy in the shoulder. The two get into a very violent battle. Leroy grabs Wrath Steve by the head and smashes his head into the side of a building five times and then throws him to the ground. Leroy was ready to take him down but then he looked over and noticed a shadow. It was Shadow Sabre's shadow who was pointing at something. Leroy was confused at what he was pointing at. But then Wrath Steve grabs Leroy and throws him to the ground but before he could kill him, Hunter Green Steve appears and pushes him against a wall then punches him in the face multiple times the same way Wrath Steve did with Eternal Dark King. But then Wrath Steve kicked him in the chest which caused him extreme pain over the darkness corrupting him. "The Darkness is infecting you Hunter Green Steve." Leroy rises up behind Wrath Steve, "You won't be able to escape from that." Wrath Steve says. "Think again." Leroy says. He punches Wrath Steve in the head and knocks him away. Wrath Steve gets back up and the two lock in battle. Wrath Steve tries to punch him but Leroy ducks. Hunter Green Steve also wanted to interfere so he lunged himself at Wrath Steve and kicked him into a wall. Hunter Green Steve then grabbed Wrath Steve by the arm and threw him into the road. Wrath Steve got back up and rushed for him but then, Leroy punches Wrath Steve in the stomach and knocks him to the ground. Chips reloaded her gun and shot Wrath Steve to assist Leroy. Wrath Steve jumps back up. He was in complete rage. Then he grabs Leroy by the shoulders and throws him in an alleyway. Hunter Green Steve gasps. The group had lost sight of Leroy and Wrath Steve. Wrath Steve holds Leroy down and was about to stab him in the head. Leroy grabbed his arm. Leroy looked up and noticed Shadow Sabre's reflection on some broken glass. He had his arms crossed and was gesturing to something. Leroy looked and saw something. "You forgot something Wrath Steve." He says. Wrath Steve looks at him confused. "Don't mess with someone who's lead by a shadow of Void Steves." Leroy says. Wrath Steve looks at him very confused. But then, Leroy stabs Wrath Steve in the jaw with a knife. Wrath Steve screeches. Leroy gets back up and grabs Wrath Steves head. Leroy ripped the knife out also ripping Wrath Steves jaw in half. Leroy knocked Wrath Steve to the ground. "You were asking for this." Leroy says. "No!" Wrath Steve screams. Then Leroy stabs Wrath Steve in the stomach. Wrath Steve tried to break free but failed. Leroy dug the knife deeper into his stomach ripping up his organs the same way Wrath Steve ripped up Light Steves organs and his spine. "This is a taste of your own medicine." Leroy says. Wrath Steve gasps. Leroy rips the knife out of his stomach. Blood splattered everywhere, on him, on Wrath Steve and on the walls of the alleyway. Leroy pants. Wrath Steve succumbed to his wound and finally died. Leroy dropped the knife. The knifes blade has blood and darkness on it from Leroy stabbing Wrath Steve with it. Leroy backed up against the wall and slid down finally getting a chance to breathe. He looked over at a puddle and Shadow Sabre was standing next to him. He nodded and was pleased that Leroy finally defeated Wrath Steve. Leroy sighs and nods back. Shadow Sabre wasn't going to cease to exist as he was stuck in Leroy's own mind and wouldn't be affected by Wrath Steve's defeat. Shadow Sabre was only visible in the reflection of the puddle but he put his hand on Leroy's shoulder and said, "You are a king." Leroy sighs and turns away. He still didn't believe it even after all this time and even defeating Wrath Steve. Leroy stands back up and walks out of the alleyway. He was also sweating from all the energy he used. The others noticed him come back. "Leroy!" Nickle exclaims. She rushes over and hugs him. The others were happy he was alive as well. "Leroy, you can let go of the rainbow diamond now. Be careful though." Trevil says. Leroy sighs and uses his own power to shield him while separating himself from the rainbow diamond. Leroy hands the rainbow diamond back to Yellow Leader. "Thanks for coming to help me. I wouldn't have done this without your help. Thank you." Leroy says. "No problem Leroy. I'm very sorry about what happened to Rocky." Chips says. Leroy sighs. "She was a good girl." He says. "She sure was." Nickle says. They all put their heads down to mourn Light Steve, Rocky and everyone else Leroy has lost. The eagle flies down and lands on Leroy's shoulder. Leroy looks at it then it bowed as if it knew about Leroy's future king nickname.

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