Friend Or Foe?

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Leroy was looking around the outskirts of the Red Kingdom. He was thinking about everything Professor Red said and were beginning to think about a plan on what to do before the core powers Leroy. He ran his hand across a tree and was starting to get bored. But then he winces and grabs his head. He started feeling some pain in his head and then collapsed against the tree passing out. Leroy woke up in some completely white area. He lifted his head and looked around the area. He couldn't see anything yet. He stood up. "Hello?" He said. But then he looked in front again and noticed something. "Who's there?" He asks. He walked closer to it. The thing turned around. Leroy gasps. The thing was very injured and had rainbow colors on parts of its body but the rest of it was dark. "Who are you?" Leroy asks. The thing stared at him for a long moment. "Wasn't expecting to see an old legend." It said. It had a very deep and kind of distorted voice. "Why are you so injured?" Leroy asks. "It's a very long story but I will tell you who I am." It says. "Who are you?" Leroy asks again. A long silence falls between them. "I am Shadow Sabre." It says. Leroy gasps. Shadow Sabre laughs. "I've heard of who Sabre is but I've never heard of a Shadow Sabre." Leroy says. "He locked me in his mind years ago. I'm injured because as he was leaving this world, I broke out of his mind as he was and as I was breaking out, I got many injuries and also gained some new form of power." He explains while pointing out his injuries. Leroy was shocked. "But even though I was not a good person before. I want to take it all back and help out in stopping Wrath Steve and the Eternal Dark King. It's the only time I'm ever doing this though." Shadow Sabre says turning away, "They both were never good members of the darkness anyway so as a way to stop them again, I will try my best to help out even if I'm injured." Leroy sighs. "We kind of need help planning. Earth is in danger." He says. "I can see that. I know where they are on Earth. They've been hiding out in a tunnel they created and they chose to hide out until they know their surroundings better which is why you need to hurry." Shadow Sabre says. "Oh. That explains why nobody has found them yet." Leroy says. "I'm not revealing myself because all the steves will definitely attack me as I was once a bad guy so for now, I'm sticking in your mind as a way to protect myself and you." Shadow Sabre says, "But while I'm here. I will give you and your friends the advice and directions you need." Leroy sighs and nods. "Alright. At least you know where they are." He says. Shadow Sabre nods and teleports Leroy out of his mind.

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