Important: A Quick Note

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I really hope you all enjoyed The Story Of Leroy series. I just want to inform you that the Evil Diamond Steve, Wrath Steve, Trevil, Hunter Green Steve and Eternal Dark King skins on the covers do not belong to me, I will put the people who made the skins below. All were made on Skindex:

Evil Diamond Steve is by Memerosa

Hunter Green Steve is by SlimeHacker007

Wrath Steve is by SlimeHacker007

Eternal Dark King is by ReadyCrafter

Trevil is based off of the Lord Trevil skin by ReadyCrafter

I wanted to make sure to credit the people who made these skins so I won't get in trouble for it. I will make sure to credit the people who made the skins of the characters on the covers of my books from now on. All the other characters were made by Favremysabre himself. Anyway, that's all for now. Thank you all for reading my story. It really means a lot to me that you found my stories and read them. Thank you so much.

Chapter 3

 Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

 Chapter 11

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Chapter 10

Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Chapter 14

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Chapter 8

Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Chapter 18

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