The Future Kills

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Leroy turned back to Wrath Steve in shock after he sensed Ash and Chips getting attacked. "What did he do to them?" He asks. Wrath Steve smiles. "Oh. You don't have to worry about that. They're fine. Well one is at least." He says. Leroy gasps. He rushes at him and kicks him away. Wrath Steve laughs. "Like your fists or your power will do anything. All you have is a simple shielding power, weak strength and a puny sword. Like you would be able to kill me. Hmm." Wrath Steve says getting up. Leroy didn't let those words sink in. But then Eternal Dark King appeared. Leroy gasps. "What did you do to them?" He asks Eternal Dark King. A long silence falls upon them. "One is down." Eternal Dark King says. Leroy gasps. "No!" He exclaims. "Leroy!" Someone shouts. Leroy turns around and Trevil appears jumping in front of Leroy and holding up his arm to protect him. Leroy put his head down in emotion and shock. "Stay away from him!" Trevil exclaims. "Ah. Trevil. You may be a navy Steve but that doesn't mean you're a powerful one." Wrath Steve says. "I don't care how much strength I have. Just get the heck away from Leroy." Trevil says. Light Steve runs over followed by Hunter Green Steve and Nickle. "The whole gang is here. Nice to see how much you care for your friend but maybe leaving your two other friends alone wasn't such a good idea." Wrath Steve says. Nickle gasps. Eternal Dark King reveals his knife and it still had Ash and Chips blood on it. "Oh no. Ash! Chips!" Nickle exclaims. "Yes! Run! Go! Go save your friends! I'm sure they won't be fine." Wrath Steve says. "Shut up dude." Trevil says. They all rush back to Nickle's house. "Oh and Leroy!" Wrath Steve shouts after him. Leroy turns around and stares at him angrily. "Beware of us. Not all your friends are safe. Some may still die." Wrath Steve says. Leroy turns to him full of anger. "Shut it! I know you're trying to fake me with that!" He shouts. Wrath Steve scoffs. "Fake you with it? No I'm being serious. One of your little friends will die very soon. So you better be ready for that." He says. Leroy huffs and then runs to join the others. When they make it back, Chips was on the ground holding Ash's unconscious body. "We were attacked! Hurry! Someone call 911!" She exclaims. Nickle was shocked and fell to her knees. Light Steve grabbed the phone and called 911. Leroy stared in shock thinking back to what Wrath Steve said knowing he had only a bit of time left to save his friends.

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