Navy Strength

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Leroy woke up very early in the morning. He got up out of the tent and tried not to wake the others. Leroy looked around at their campsite yawning. But then he noticed something standing in the distance. He ran over to see what it was. But then he saw it was Shadow Sabre. He turned around and turned the other direction running from Leroy. Although, Leroy followed him. Shadow Sabre kept running and every once in a while turned over his shoulder to make sure Leroy was still following. Right after coming to a clearing, Shadow Sabre disappeared. Leroy stopped and was out of breath from running so much. But then he looked up and there was Wrath Steve and Eternal Dark King. Leroy gasped and unsheathed his sword. "Well, good morning Leroy. What are you doing up at this hour?" Wrath Steve asks as if it was a normal day. "I could ask you the same thing." Leroy says. "So it seems that your little friend survived." Eternal Dark King says. "Leroy. You know what you have to do now." Shadow Sabre says in Leroy's mind. Leroy sighs. "What did you say yesterday about my power Wrath Steve?" Leroy asks. "That it was just a shielding power and nothing else." Wrath Steve admits. "Well. What do you think of them now?" Leroy asks. He summons the Navy Diamond. Wrath Steve and Eternal Dark King gasp. Leroy mixes his power with the Navy Diamond and raises it in the air. Leroy began levitating with the power from the diamond. The power from the navy diamond summoned particles around him as he absorbed the power from the diamond. Wrath Steve stepped up. "How did you gain control of the navy diamond?" He asks. "I may be just a yellow steve but I'm still a strong Steve." Leroy says. He looks down at a puddle on the ground and saw Shadow Sabre behind him. He nodded. Leroy nodded back and slammed his fist into the ground knocking both Wrath Steve and Eternal Dark King away. Wrath Steve got back up with Eternal Dark King following. Leroy landed with his fist slamming into the ground. He looked up at them both in anger. Leroy had gained full control of the diamond and the power ran through his blood right to his heart which is how he was able to gain all of the power. "Okay Venom. If you want to fight. Let's fight." Leroy says. Wrath Steve stared at him angrily. The two rushed at each to fight. Leroy and Wrath Steve locked in battle. Leroy punched him into a tree. Eternal Dark King went for Leroy but he kicked him away. "Enough!" Leroy shouts. Wrath Steve looks up at him. "Beware! Beware Leroy! Your friends are in danger and so are you! Nothing will stop us from spreading darkness! You may be strong with the Navy Diamond but nothing will end us!" Wrath Steve warns Leroy. The two teleport away.

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