Lead To Shock

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Leroy stood back up. He stared at where Wrath Steve and Eternal Dark King were. Leroy then felt a pain in his chest. He winced and held his hand over where his heart was. But then he heard a screech. He looked up at the tree and noticed an eagle on a tree branch. Leroy looked up confused. There were birds in his world but no eagles. The eagle was staring down at him in a bit of shock and confusion. Leroy snapped his fingers and tried to call for it to come down. The eagle took a step and then flew down to him. It landed on his shoulder. Leroy looks at it in shock. The eagle caws and flies to the ground. Leroy kneels down to it. The eagle was turning its head behind it multiple times as a type of gesture. Leroy looked ahead and noticed he was gesturing to the town. Leroy looked on confused. He stood up and walked a few steps towards there. The eagle flew in front of Leroy and continued gesturing for him to go to the town. Leroy sighed and nodded. He walked towards the town. The eagle flew in front leading him to where he needed to go. Once he made it to the busy road where Ash worked at the Music Shop, some of the people there greeted him. Leroy did greet them as well but knew he had to continue on to where the eagle was leading him. Leroy looked in the music shop. He only could have his guitar for two more months before having to return it but he was okay with that. The eagle cawed at him when it saw him stop. Leroy looked at it and ran towards it. The eagle continued flying and Leroy followed. But then, the eagle stopped at the library in the town. Leroy looked at it confused. The eagle was on top of the roof. He looked at the eagle. The eagle gestured to the window. Leroy looked into the library. It was all dark and he couldn't see a thing. The eagle cawed at the door. Leroy went up the steps and opened the door leading inside. The eagle flew inside very quickly. "Huh?" Leroy said confused. He ran inside and the eagle just disappeared. Leroy looked around confused. But then he stepped in something. He lifted his foot and saw he had stepped in something wet that he thought was water at first. Leroy then noticed the light switch. He turned on the lights but then discovered something shocking.

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