The Fifth Hero Will Rise

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Leroy gasps. "What?" He says, "Why me?" "Because with your own power, you would be more likely to survive." Trevil says. They all nod except for Leroy. He was still freaked out a bit. "Well do any of us know where the other diamonds are?" He asks. "Not a clue. We wanted to find you to help us search for them." Hunter Green Steve says. Leroy sighs. "Well, I think we should also go get Nickle and Ash." He says. "We were thinking that too but we wanted to know what you thought." Light Steve says. Leroy nods. The group head to Leroy's house to get the book. "Wait who's all going?" Trevil asks. Leroy sighs. "Trevil, Hunter, Light Steve, you're with me. Everyone else stay here. We will be back soon." He says. They all agree to the plan. Leroy says the chant and the four enter Earth. Nickle was sitting on the bed when they entered with Ash and another girl. She noticed the four. "Oh hey guys." She says. "Hey Nickle." Leroy says. He notices the other girl. "Who's this?" He asks. "This is my other friend Chips. She just got here." Nickle says standing up. "Hey Leroy." Chips says. Chips had brown hair and brown eyes and she was wearing a yellow hoodie currently. "We've been telling her everything from this past year." Ash says. "Wait. Why are you all here?" Nickle asks. "We wanted to come and get you because we need to go searching for these things called the chromatic diamonds. Similar to the navy diamond, each of these diamonds are a completely different color. Not just navy." Trevil says. "Interesting. Well should we go search for them now?" Chips asks. "Yes." Leroy says. But then he flinches. He sensed something. Leroy looked at the door leading outside. "I sense something." He says. "What?" Light Steve asks. "I don't know. I just have this random feeling. I- I need to go." He says beginning to run towards the door. He quickly opens it and ran outside. "Leroy!" Trevil shouts. "I'll stay here." Ash says. "Chips you better stay here too. We'll be back soon." Nickle says. Chips and Ash stay there while Nickle, Light Steve, Hunter Green Steve and Trevil head out to find Leroy. Leroy was trying to find what he was sensing. He had entered a forest. While running, he tripped and fell to the ground. But then when he looked up, there was Wrath Steve.

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