Revealing The News

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Leroy and his friends return to Nickle's house. He was able to get them back to the Overworld. Rocky was laying down on the rug in Leroy's house. She noticed them return. She barked. Leroy looked down at her. Nickle reached down to pet her. Rocky noticed Light Steve didn't return with them and barked about that. Leroy shook his head. Rocky whined. The group head to the Yellow Kingdom castle to find the Yellow Leader. Green Steve was also there with the Yellow Leader. They both were concerned on where the group went since they've been gone for over a day now. Leroy held the Navy diamond in his hand while they were walking to the castle to show he did get the power from it. Leroy entered the castle with his friends. Yellow Leader noticed this. "Oh my goodness! Leroy, where have you been?" He asks. Green Steve was shocked too. "Sorry we've been gone for a while. There was a lot happening there." Hunter Green Steve says. Yellow Leader looks through the group and finally notices Light Steve isn't there. "Where is Light Steve?" He asks. Leroy gasps and puts his head down. The others do too. "What happened?" Yellow Leader asks. "I'm sorry. Light Steve was killed by Wrath Steve a few hours ago." Leroy says. Yellow Leader and Green Steve gasp. "I can't believe it." Green Steve says. "We wanted to save him but his injuries were too fatal." Trevil says. Leroy sighs sadly. "I'm so sorry." Yellow Leader says. "He wanted to stay to keep Wrath Steve from coming after us at the time and he sacrificed himself." Hunter Green Steve says. Nickle nods. "That is very brave of him. He was always very brave." Yellow Leader says. Green Steve sighs. "Leroy, Professor Red visited a while ago saying that he was able to modify the core completely. So when you're ready, you should head over to his lab." He says. Leroy sighs and nods. "If we have to travel around the Overworld for a while to find the Rainbow diamonds then I'm worried about leaving Earth unsafe like that. Wrath Steve showed he could spread darkness throughout Earth. I absorbed the power of the Navy Diamond now as well so that could prove useful." He says. "Oh. We didn't know that. We will have to plan afterwards. For now, Leroy you need to head to the lab." Yellow Leader says. "Wouldn't the core have a chance of killing you if you absorb some power from ?" Hunter Green Steve asks. Nickle gasps. "Okay, you aren't going alone Leroy." She says. Leroy chuckles. "Alright, you guys can come with me too if you wish." He says. Leroy, Trevil, Hunter Green Steve and Nickle all headed to the lab.

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