All My Fault

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Leroy was sitting in a lobby of the hospital. His head was down and he was very upset. Nickle walked out of the elevator. She noticed Leroy. She walks over to him. "Leroy, are you okay?" She asks. "No." He says. "I know it was very sad to lose Light Steve. I'm sorry that we couldn't save him." She says. Leroy sighs. "I was already warned that one of you guys would die and I wasn't expecting it to be Light." He says. "I'm sure no one was able to expect that. Wrath Steve ripped up his spinal cord which is why he wasn't able to be saved by the hospital. If it weren't so fatal, he could've lived. Ash is going to stay in the hospital for a while and Chips was told to stay here to stay safe and I was going to stay here but I wanted to help you more. But Leroy, you have to know it wasn't your fault." She says. Leroy looks at her. "How is it not my fault?" He stands up and walks away from her a bit crossing his arms. "I still feel as if this is all my fault. Not just this, everything that we went through ever since I returned. I was told to come back as you already know. But ever since I returned, I feel as if I started this whole thing. I mean, I was the one who released Wrath Steve." He says. "Leroy. Please. You didn't know that book contained Wrath Steve, it wasn't your fault. And Leroy, you didn't start all of this. You had a big affect on it but you didn't start everything." Nickle says. "Nickle, I found your world first. I put you and Ash in danger. Both Chips and Ash were attacked by Wrath Steve and Ash was almost killed." Leroy says. Nickle was taken aback and didn't know what to say now to stop Leroy from thinking that so she went silent. "Yeah, I had a feeling you wouldn't have an answer to that. I was the first steve to find your world and then hunters came after me and Hunter Green Steve and then I put you and Ash in danger and now that Wrath Steve and Eternal Dark King are here, I put you in much more danger. I can't even imagine what would happen if you were killed. I already lost Innocent Orange Steve, my teacher, Red Steve, Happy Orange Steve, Assistant Steve and now Light Steve. You were even almost killed by Wrath Steve and so was Ash and Chips. I'm lucky you guys weren't killed but you almost were. I can't even lose my own life because then I will be gone forever and be stuck down in the World Below. It'll be my own fault if I get myself killed." Leroy explains. Nickle was shocked on what he was saying. "I don't care if I have to suffer if I die. I'll push through the pain. And if I have to be taken out while protecting you and my other friends, then as long as you all are safe then I don't care how I go out." Leroy says. Nickle gasps. Leroy crosses his arms. He knew he had gone through pain before and he didn't care if his death hurt or not. The mental pain he felt over his friends and families deaths was worse than the physical pain he feels in the face of battle. Nickle sighed and walked over to hug Leroy.

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