Part One

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Tony was taken into a room at the end of the dark hallway. He didn't know the surprise he was in for. Not knowing what to expect, he had his men close to him as he followed the man who organized the party - Sergey.

He was taken into a dark room. When his eyes got used to the lack of light, he could see a stage in the middle of the room, a large screen behind and the lights shining on it. Around the circular stage, he saw chairs with men sitting around it. They were sipping on the alcohol inside their glasses, some of them turning around to face the people who just walked into the room.

"Bloody Americans... "The men mumbled under their breath.

Tony, of course, didn't hear them, or they'd already be dead on the spot.

"This way, Anthony."The man in front said, leading him to an empty chair.

"What's this?" Tony asked as he sat down in the chair. A waiter approached him and poured whiskey in his glass.

"Just watch." Sergey tapped his shoulder and Tony felt his rings on his shoulder. The man walked away and the rest of the lights in the room turned off, except the one on stage.

He was in for a surprise when the whole stage turned on and a projection of a girl appeared on a large screen. She was dressed in a pair of expensive, white lingerie, symbolising her innocence.

"What's this?" He growled to one of his men.

"I don't know, boss."

"The star of the night... " He heard a voice coming from the speaker. "Y/N Y/L/N, in her early twenties. Nationality: Russian... " The voice continued to speak while Tony's eyes scanned your picture. You looked like an angel to him. "Starting price: 1 million."

Tony locked eyes with Sergey in the room and nodded. The picture disappeared from the screen and another word appeared on it: SOLD.

"Boss, she's a Russian." One of Tony's men said.

"I heard." Tony responded and took a sip of his whiskey.

"Are you seriously gonna have a Russian in-"

Tony cut him off with a glare."I'm the boss here. Pick her up, we're taking her home."

He couldn't help it - he had to save you from the horrible people he saw in that room. You looked so innocent, he knew he had to protect you and help you in any way you needed to be helped.

Tony Stark was a horrible man. He did horrible things, but he could never do any of the things to a woman.

He emptied his glass and threw another look at the men who had fun looking at another girl who was being displayed.

"Disgusting... "He muttered out to the men before walking out of the room, with his men following him.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐌 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now