Part Twenty Three

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"Hey, you asleep?" You looked up from your phone when you heard Wanda's voice.

"No, I was about to go to sleep." You said as Wanda walked towards your bed.

"I wanted to sleep with you tonight."She said and you locked your phone before placing on the nightstand. "Can I?"

"Obviously." You laughed, making place for her. She jumped on the bed and laid next to you.

"How do you feel about being back here?" Wanda asked you as she put her head on your shoulder.

You shrugged, your mind wandering to Tony who was in the room across yours. "It's fine."

"Really?" She looked up at you. "I was expecting you and Tony to kill each other by now."

You let out a laugh. "Well, we're both very much alive."

"Are you not telling me something?"Her eyes narrowed as she looked at you. You shifted anxiously in your place, thinking she caught onto what was happening, or that Steve told her.

"What do you mean?" You let out a nervous chuckle. "I have nothing to tell you."

"Okay." A grin spread across her face and she looked away. You let out the breath you were holding and finally relaxed.

Half an hour later, after you and Wanda were done talking, she fell asleep. You were about to go to sleep, too, when the door slowly opened.

Your eyes widened when you saw Tony peeking inside.


"Shhh!" You warned.

Wanda mumbled out something, making you stop your movements. She didn't wake up, just turned to the other side of the bed and continued to sleep.

"What is she doing here?" Tony whispered to you.

You quickly got up from the bed and pulled him outside before closing the door.

"What is she doing in there with you?" Tony asked.

"She came over to sleep in my room. She almost woke up and saw us."You whispered."What did you want?"

"I believe you didn't give me my good night kiss." Tony said in a serious voice, making you let out a laugh.

"You're gonna wake up everyone!"Tony warned, placing his hand over your mouth.

You silenced yourself and Tony moved his hand off your face.

"Sorry." You said.

"Come here." Tony pulled you in by your waist. You immediately raised your face towards him and Tony smashed his lips on yours.

You hummed into the kiss, as Tony deepened it, with his tongue slipping into your mouth. You parted to take a breath, but Tony slammed you against the wall and placed his hands on either sides of you before kissing you again. You grabbed onto his shirt as he caught your lower lip between his teeth.

He let go after sucking on it for a few moments. Your tongues touched and you started to suck on his. You placed one more peck onto his lips before you pulled away.

"Good night, Tony." You whispered.

"Good night, Princess." Tony whispered back as he watched you open the door before stepping inside your room. You smiled at him and he sent you a wink before the door closed.

Over the next days, Tony and you were sneaking around everywhere around the house, stealing glances and secret kisses when no one was looking. Tony respected your decision about not letting everyone know just yet. After all, he had his enemies and he wanted to protect you as much as he could.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐌 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now