Part Twenty Four

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"What am I supposed to do now?" You asked.

"How would I know?" Bucky asked you, just as panicked.

"Okay, okay." You took a deep breath. Looking at the mirror, you saw the car was distanced enough from you and you still had a long way to go back to the city. "Okay, I have an idea."

"Which idea?"

"We'll jump out of the car." You said.

"Of course we will." Bucky said. "What about Hydra?"

"I have a plan." You said. "How long do we have?"

"I'd say... ten seconds." Bucky told you.

You slowed down, making sure to let the car behind you get closer.

"Let's do this." You nodded.


"Wait for my signal." You told Bucky.


"What are you doing?" Bucky asked.


"Focus on saving yourself." You told Bucky, glancing between the road and the mirror.


You felt the car hitting the back end of yours and you sped up a bit, but not too much.

Four. Three. Two.

"Jump out!" You told Bucky, who immediately opened the door and jumped out of the car and onto the street, rolling in the dust.

He was expecting to see you, but he couldn't see anything from the dust that started to rise.

He heard the tires screeching and saw your car making a sharp turn, before stopping and letting the car behind hit the driver side, crushing it as the car exploded.

Bucky's heart stopped. He never saw you get out of the car.

That was his final thought before he felt himself losing consciousness. Everything in front of his eyes went black.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the road, you coughed up the dust and sat up. The two cars in front of you were burning, creating clouds of black smoke.

"Shit, that hurt."You said, wiping the blood off your lip.

You got up from the ground and looked around for Bucky. You saw him laying on the other side of the street.

You walked over to him, only to find him unconscious. Dropping down to your knees, you searched his pockets for his phone.

When you found it and unlocked it, you found Tony's contact before calling him.

He answered after a few long rings."Yes, Barnes?"

"Tony, it's me." You said, coughing up.

"Princess?" Tony was immediately alarmed. He was still in a meeting and he stood up abruptly, making the rest of the people in the room wonder what was going on. "Are you okay? Why are you calling me from Bucky's phone?"

"I'm fine, Tony." You said, coughing again.

"Why are you coughing?" Tony asked.

"It's from the smoke." You sat down onto the ground next to Bucky.

"What smoke? Where are you?"Tony was gripping the chair, his knuckles turning white.

"The car exploded."You answered, making Tony's heart drop to his stomach as he processed the words.

"The car explo- what? What happened? What car? Where are you? Are you hurt? Who were you with?"Tony asked hundreds of questions in just a few seconds.

"I'm fine, I think." You said, silencing Tony. "I was out with Bucky and Hydra was following us. They put a bomb under the car. And well, I have no idea where we are right now. Can you track his phone?"

"I already did. Is Barnes hurt?"Tony asked, trying to keep calm.

"He's fine, too."

"I sent a car for you and I'll meet you at home, okay, Princess?"

Some time later, the car Tony sent finally arrived and you were finally brought home. You exited it, clutching your side, while Bucky followed.

"I swear I'm not going anywhere with you anymore." You told him.

"Miss Y/L/N." You were approached by another guard. "Mr. Stark had a doctor come over to check on you and Mr. Barnes."

"Great." You mumbled out while following the guard.

Tony walked into the house as the doctor was having you follow the light with your eyes to make sure you were completely alright.

"We're done, Miss Y/L/N." The doctor said, packing up his stuff.

"Thank God." You said, laying back down on the couch.

"Princess!" Tony said as soon as he walked into the room and saw you.

"Tony!" You turned towards him just as he approached you, and pulled you in for a kiss.

"Doctor!" Bucky whined out, making the older doctor turn towards him."I'm hallucinating. I see Tony kissing Y/N. I don't wanna see it, make it stop!"

"Shut up, Barnes." Tony mumbled out into the kiss.

"Holy shit, this is really happening?"Bucky's eyes widened."I'm not hallucinating?"

"I can assure you, you're not, Mr. Barnes." The doctor patted his shoulder. "Put the ice back on your head."

"Fine." He mumbled out before he put the ice pack on his head. "When did this happen?" Bucky gestured between you and Tony.

"Are you okay?" Tony whispered on your lips.

"I am."You nodded. "You're aware everyone's gonna know now?"

"I am." Tony said. "And it's none of your business, Barnes."

"I got traumatised." Bucky looked to the doctor. "I need therapy after witnessing this."

"He's fine." Tony told the doctor. "How is Y/N?"

"I told you I'm fine." You said.

"Miss Y/L/N got away without bigger injuries. She got only a few scratches and bruises, but that's what happens when you jump out of a car."The doctor said and Tony looked at you with a stern look.

"Would you prefer I stayed inside?"

"You didn't need to jump out of it."

"We had an opportunity and we took it." Bucky said, holding the ice pack to his head. "You don't get that chance every day."

"See, Bucky gets it." You said, making Tony roll his eyes.


"Now, I advise you to rest the next few days, Miss Y/L/N. Not long ago, you had a few complicated surgeries."The doctor finished and picked up his bag."If anything happens, you can call me."

A maid led the doctor to the exit, while Tony looked at you, laid on one couch, and Bucky on the other.

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