Part Seven

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"And done!" Tony said, stopping the timer.

You turned towards him with a grin on your face and he smiled at you in approval, nodding his head.

His approval made your stomach flutter.

"5 seconds faster than last time. You're getting better, princess." He said and took the gun you were trying to put together for the last hour from your hands. "And not a single mistake." He nodded again as he was inspecting it.

"I'm a fast learner." Your tongue came out to lick over your lower lip, wetting it and making Tony glance down at your lips.

The door opened suddenly and Tony turned around, shielding your body. He was alarmed, thinking someone's coming to attack you every time the door opened.

He breathed out when he saw Steve with his arms crossed. "How long did you plan on keeping me waiting up in your office?"

"Rogers." Tony growled under his breath. "You always show up in the wrong time."

"Is this the girl?" Steve nodded over at you.

"She has a name." Tony said.

"Anyway, I'm waiting up in the office. We have some things to discuss."And he closed the door.

Tony turned back to you. "I have to go, Princess. You need to go back to your room, too. I don't trust anyone else to keep you safe in here."

"It's fine, Tony." You smiled at him."Let's go."

Tony put the gun away and led you out of the room and back up to the stairs. You were left in your room and Tony left to his office.

You had... well, nothing to do.

Until, someone knocked on the door and peeked their head in. You sat up in bed, alarmed, when you saw the boy you met on your first day - James Barnes.

"Relax, doll." He spoke softly, not wanting to step inside the room so he didn't scare you more. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm Bucky, Tony's friend, remember? He trusts me around you, that's why he sent me up here." He didn't take his eyes off yours. "Can I come in?"

You hesitantly nodded. Bucky stepped inside the room and left the door open.

"Do you want me to close the door?"He asked and you shook your head no. "Okay, I'll leave it open. Tony wanted me to buy you this so you weren't bored in here all the time."

He showed you a box, which contained a brand new phone for you. You looked at Bucky suspiciously and he put the box down onto your bed.

"I can help you set it up." Bucky offered.

"Sure." You said with a slight smile.

"You have a pretty voice, doll." He said, effortlesly lifting up the heavy chair and placing it next to your bed so he could sit on it. "You should speak more often."

"Thank you, Bucky. " You hid your face, embarrassed.

Bucky sat down onto the chair and slightly spread his legs. He took the box in his hands and unpacked it.

"So, where were you and Tony?" He asked, not looking up at you as he was turning the phone on.

"He was teaching me to shoot." You said and that made Bucky look up at you.

"Already?" He asked. "Were you good at it?"

"Yes." You grinned, making Bucky nod his head with a smile.

"It's on. I'll type in the numbers you need to have from people in the house and I'll leave you to explore your phone, okay?" Bucky asked.

"Actually... " You looked down at the phone. "Can you help me with the phone? I don't even know how to use these anymore."

"Damn, you're worse than me, then."Bucky chuckled. "How long were you kept there?" The smile dropped from his face and he looked up at you. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean it like that."

"Relax." You shot him a sad smile, but that still didn't help him feel better."So, uh, my parents were killed twelve years ago and, uh, "You tried to do the math in your head. "I guess I was there for about ten years."

"Your parents were killed?" He looked up at you and you looked down at your lap, realizing you accidentally told him that.

"Yeah, uh..." You licked over your lip, trying to collect yourself as countless memories flashed in your head.

The whole time, Bucky watched you with a sad face.

"One night", You continued your story," I remember I was staying with my grandmother and my mom called to let us know she and dad would be late home. And uh, I don't remember it well, but they worked in some government agency after we moved here in the USA. And when I woke up, there were cops in the house..."You trailed off.

Bucky abruptly stood up. "Do you know who did it?"

You looked up at him in confusion."No, I don't."

Bucky nodded his head and rushed towards the door. "I'm sorry, doll, but I need to go now. It was nice seeing you."

You stared at the closed door after you were left alone in your room.

Bucky leaned against the wall, taking deep breaths as he tried to contain the anxiety attack that he knew was coming.

He should've known that's why your name sounded familiar to him.

He may have got rid of the Winter Soldier, but he could never forget about the long list of people he killed.

He rushed up the stairs to Tony's office and slammed the door open. Both, Tony and Steve looked at him in shock. Bucky walked into the room, his eyes wide.

"Buck?" Steve called out.

Bucky's eyes met Tony's and he shook his head. "We have a problem."

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