Part Thirteen

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Tony sat in the waiting room, his face buried in his hands, while Natasha was sitting across from him and kept glaring at him. He could feel her judging glare and didn't have the courage to look up at her.

He only looked up when Bucky sat down next to him, offering him a mug of coffee he got. Tony stared down at it, disgusted, but took it anyway.

"It's all my fault, Bucky." His voice was so quiet, Bucky could barely hear him.

But, apparently, Natasha didn't have any problems with hearing what Tony said. She looked up at him and scoffed, "Damn right it is."

Bucky sighed before patting Tony's shoulder. "Look, man, we're all at fault here. She tried to kill you because she found out I killed her parents and you sent her away even when she told you not to."

"It's his fault." Natasha said. "She didn't try to kill him on her own will. If she did, he would already be dead on the first day she got there." Tony looked down to the floor. His hand started to grip the mug tighter. "She told you he'd kill her and you still didn't care. That says how much Tony Stark truly cares about women."

"She tried to kill me, Romanoff." Tony said through his teeth.

"And what happened to that rule you never hurt women, no matter what?"

"Unless they try to kill me." Tony looked up at her, still gripping the mug."And I wasn't the one who hurt her."

"No, you just ordered someone to do it." Natasha pressed. "I saw the bruises on her face and body. They didn't look fresh."

Tony avoided her gaze.

"You didn't care for her at all. She was just a toy for you." She finished and everybody heard the sound of glass breaking.

Natasha's gaze dropped to Tony's hand and saw the mug was broken in his hands. At the same time the blood poured out of his hand, the hot coffee burned the remaining skin. But Tony didn't even blink.

"Tony, man." Bucky said, getting up to call a nurse to help Tony.

"Angry because what I said was true?"Natasha asked, making Tony's gaze snap towards her.

"Is this really the time and place to be having this conversation?" Bucky looked at Natasha first, then at Tony.

The door to the surgery hall opened and a nurse walked out. They all looked towards her and she hurried towards them.

"Is she okay?" Tony was the first to stand up.

"Miss Y/L/N lost a lot of blood. We don't have any blood left in the hospital, and we can't get it from anywhere."The nurse managed to explain in English.

"What?" Tony was beside himself. He was close to attacking the girl, if Bucky didn't grab him by his arm and stopped him. "You're a damn hospital, how can you not have any blood?"

Natasha nodded to the nurse, telling her in Russian that she'll explain."This is not one of the bigger hospitals. The smaller ones like this don't have large amounts of blood."

"Can I give her my blood?" Tony looked to the nurse, who shook her head.

"You can't. You're not the same blood type."

"Well, why are you all standing there?" Tony turned around to yell at the rest of the staff. "Find blood for her! Take it by force from someone, I couldn't care less, just find it!"

"Calm down." Bucky growled, then looked to the nurse. "I'll do it. Y/N and I have the same blood type."

"Me too." Wanda spoke up, approaching the nurse.

The nurse nodded her head. "Follow me."

Wanda immediately went to follow her, while Bucky stayed behind to talk to Tony. "Calm down. You're not helping her this way. Okay?"

Tony sat down onto the chair, rubbing his hand over his face.

"And get that sorted out." Bucky nodded to his other hand that was still bleeding, before he patted Tony's back. "She's gonna be alright."

Tony had to listen to him, especially when Steve forced him to do it, too. They carefully cleaned his wound and applied some cream to his burns before wrapping up his hand in a bandage. He also had to get stitches for the cuts.

Tony, who didn't sleep for days now, was too tired and fell asleep in the hospital. Another nurse moved him in his own room, while everybody was waiting for your surgery to finish.

It was hours later when Tony wake up in cold sweat, breathing heavily with tears forming in his eyes. He sat up abruptly, looking around. He couldn't tell what was real anymore.

Tony rushed out of the room and down the hall, where he found everybody else. Steve was the first to see him and he approached him."Tony?"

"Where is she?" He asked quickly.

"Where's who?" Steve was confused.

Tony almost shot him right there and then. Everybody else could see he was panicking, but they had no idea what was going on.

"Y/N! Where's Y/N?" Tony asked and just when he finished the sentence, the door behind them opened and Wanda walked out of the room. Tony caught glimpse of a hand resting on the white bed sheets.

"What's going on?"

"Wanda." Tony turned towards her, forgetting all about Steve. His hand was starting to burn again, but he couldn't care less. "Where's Y/N?"

"She's inside, they moved her in this room, but what-"

Wanda didn't have the chance to finish her sentence. Tony pushed her away and hurried into your room. His heart dropped to his chest when he saw you and the hundreds of machines next to your bed, along with numerous needles in your body.

You couldn't breathe on your own, and you were connected to a machine that was doing it for you.

Tony rushed to sit on the chair next to the bed. He carefully took your hand into his and brought it up to his face, placing a kiss on the back of your palm and closing his eyes.

The door opened and Wanda walked inside, closing them after herself. She smiled sadly at Tony, who didn't move his eyes off you.

"I had a nightmare she died." Tony whispered and Wanda realized that was why he was in panic and couldn't calm down until he saw you.

"She's barely even alive." Wanda said, walking to stand next to your bed."She has multiple broken ribs. They'll definitely take some time to heal. Some of her internal organs were punctured, they could barely repair the damage done to them. She had internal bleeding, and they had to remove her spleen. They said she, apparently, had some type of brain surgery when she arrived to the Red Room."

Wanda moved closer to you and moved your hair away from behind your ear. Tony saw the small scar and the bald spot on your head that was barely noticeable under your hair.

"Natasha said they were probably doing the whole brainwashing thing again, or checking to see if whatever they did to her before still works. Whatever they did, the wound got infected."

Tony's air was cut off. He couldn't breathe anymore as he watched the bruises on your body.

"But they fixed it. Now, we're waiting for her to wake up. Which can take days." Wanda said.

"This is all my fault." Tony said and Wanda was quiet at that.

He placed one more kiss onto your hand and put it back down on the bed, before leaning on it with his forehead. The only comfort in the whole situation Tony felt as he was listening to the machine beeping every few seconds, signalling your heart beats and that you were still alive.

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