Part Ten

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"And he, you know, just casually drank from your straw?"Wanda asked, looking at you in the mirror.

"And then invited you out for dinner tonight?"Maria added as you told them the events from yesterday.

"Yes and yes." You said with a smile, looking down at the dress you were wearing. It was a long, red silk dress that had a cut on the side of it, revealing your left leg.

"We all know what that means, right?"Wanda asked, making the rest of the girls gasp.

"What?" You looked at them in the mirror, panicked. "What does it mean?"

Alice smiled at you as she fixed your hair. "It means the boss likes you."

"What? No." You let out a laugh.

"You're so naive, Y/N." Maria sighed."He likes you, I'm sure of it. And he didn't like anyone since... "

Wanda cut her off with a glare.

"Since?" You raised an eyebrow at Maria.

"Nothing, Maria's just talking nonsense." Wanda said and sat down on the bed.

"What are you not telling me?" You asked.

"You should let that go, Y/N. The boss will tell you, it's not our place to tell."Maria said.

While you two were talking, Wanda felt something vibrate next to her and she looked at the phone. She realized it was your phone and took it in her hands, seeing a message from Tony.

Wanda looked over to see Maria applying your lipstick and unlocked the phone. She read the message, "Are you ready, Princess?"

She let out a chuckle, drawing the attention to herself. You saw the phone she was holding and quickly got up from the chair, snatching the phone from Wanda's hands as she was hysterically laughing.

You sighed when you saw the text she sent him, "Why don't you come check, handsome?"

"How am I supposed to explain this to him?" You asked while Wanda continued laughing. Meanwhile, Maria sighed and shook her head at the two of you.

"Isn't this a nice sight?" You heard a voice coming from the door and saw Steve standing there.

"Get out, Rogers." Wanda said.

"Why would I? By the way, Y/N, you look beautiful."

You smiled at Steve.

"What are you all doing here?" You heard another voice - Tony's voice.

Steve moved out of the way, stepping inside the room. Tony's eyes scanned over the room and stopped on you. The sight of you made his breathing stop and he forgot about everyone else in the room.

Wanda started to make kissing noises behind you.

"Out." Tony said, still looking at you and everyone scrambled to get out of the room, pushing over each other.

He stepped closer to you and took a better look at you. "You look beautiful."

"Well, you look handsome as well, Mr.Stark." You said, fixing his tie and moving your hand over his suit jacket to straighten it. "How was your day?"

"It's getting much better now." He looked into your eyes. "Shall we?" He offered you his hand, which you gladly took and walked out of the room together. You held your purse in the other hand as you walked down the stairs with Tony.

When you two arrived at the restaurant, Tony opened the door for you and let you walk inside first.

When you were showed to your table, Tony pulled out the chair for you to sit before he sat down at the other side of the table. He ordered the most expensive vine and looked at you.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐌 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now