Part Fourteen

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Your eyes slowly fluttered open and the first thing you saw was a blinding flash of white light. You blinked a few times to try and adjust to it, and saw you were in a white room.

You tried to move your hand and felt another hand gripping yours before a face came into view.

"You're awake!" The male voice, which you recognized as Tony's, said.

You tried to speak, but only then you felt a large tube in your mouth, going down your throat. In panic, you brought your hand up to your mouth to pull it away, but Tony quickly caught your hand."Shhh, don't panic. You're fine, you're in a hospital."

"Mr. Stark, can you step outside while we check up on Miss Y/L/N?" The doctor asked and Tony nodded his head.

He went outside while the doctor came to check up on you.

Half an hour later, he was called back inside to be with you. The tube was out of your mouth now and you only had an oxygen mask, and only a few machines were connected to your body.

"Miss Y/L/N has gotten better." The doctor nodded to Tony.

"Can we move her back home?" Tony immediately asked.

"We can do the final tests and check ups, and you can go home tomorrow."The doctor said and Tony nodded. "I'll leave you alone now."

He left the room and Tony looked down at you. You were staring at the ceiling, showing no emotions on your face.

"Y/N." He said, approaching the bed.

You were quiet.

"Did you hear that, we can go back-"

"You can go wherever you want. I'm staying here." You said, your voice slightly muffled by the mask on your face.

"Y/N, you won't be safe here."

"Since when do you care about my safety?" You moved your head to glare at him.

"You will never be safe in this country. You're coming back home with me, where I can protect you."

"Leave." You simply said, making Tony look down to the floor.


"Leave, Tony! I don't want you here!"As you said those words, your heart rate went up and the machine started to beep.

Tony didn't want to upset you more, so he quickly left.

You were left alone for a few minutes before the door opened and Wanda walked inside. She smiled at you when she saw you. "You're awake."

"Hey, Wan." You smiled back at her, and took the oxygen mask off.

"Hey, hey don't do that." She rushed over to you.

"I can breathe on my own." You said and tried to sit up in bed.

"Let me help you." She grabbed you under the arm and helped you sit up before adjusting the pillow behind your back. She poured water in a glass and offered you, you took it from her and thanked her. "How are you feeling?"

You shrugged.

"Right, that was a stupid question."She shook her head.

"How long... "

"Three weeks." She said. "You know, Tony was here the whole time. He sent Steve back home and let him take over the work."

"Can we not talk about him?" You asked and Wanda nodded, giving you a small smile. You breathed out, and your lips parted as you turned to Wanda. "Did... did he find me?"

Wanda nodded. "Tony found you, along with Natasha."

"Nat?" You looked to her. "She's here?"

"Not anymore." Wanda said. "She was called over for a mission by Fury. She'll wait for you back at the house."

The next day, a nurse was helping you walk across the room when the door opened and Tony came inside. He smiled when he saw you. "You're walking already."

"Can we go back?" You asked the nurse, who nodded her head and went to place her hand around you to help you, when Tony approached you.

"I'll help her." He said and you rolled your eyes, feeling his hand wrap over your back and coming to a rest on your waist. The nurse left the room to give you privacy.

"What do you want?" You asked him.

"We're supposed to go back today."Tony said. "Do you feel well enough to fly back home?"

"They cleared me for the flight." You said as Tony helped you sit down on the bed. You hissed, placing a hand across your stomach.

"Does it hurt? Did it start bleeding?"Tony asked, and you could hear the worry in his voice. He lifted up your shirt to check on your stomach and saw the gauzes were still white, with no traces of blood on them.

"I'm fine." You said.

You heard a knock on the door and you both turned around towards them, when a blonde woman walked inside. "Boss, the plane is waiting at the airport."

Tony noticed the way you clenched his hand in yours when Carol entered the room. The memories of the time you spent with her in the call flashed in your brain and your body started shaking.

"Leave." He said to her, but she stared at him in confusion. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" He asked you, grabbing your face in his hands.


"Leave, Carol!" He growled at her and she immediately left, closing the door behind herself.

Tony tried to calm you down, his fingers were gently rubbing over your cheeks. "She's gone, she can't hurt you, okay?"

You gulped and pushed Tony's hands away. "You ordered her to. How do I know you won't do it again? Or do it yourself?"

"I would never hurt you again."

"I don't believe you." You said and moved to sit up more in bed.

Tony was silent.

"Leave, I need to get dressed." You said without looking at him.

"Do you need me to call someone so they can help you?"

"I'll do it myself."

By the time the night fell, you were already back in Tony's house. Wanda was by your side, helping you walk into the house while Tony trailed behind you two.

You two came up to the stairs and you sighed, sharing a knowing look with Wanda. "There's no way."

"Let me help you." You heard Tony say before you felt his hands on your back and under your knees. He lifted you up in his arms and you gasped in shock.

"What are you doing?" You asked, placing your hands around his neck, scared he'll drop you. "Put me down."

"Y/N, for once, just shut up and let me help you." He said while climbing up the stairs. You closed your mouth and Tony looked down at you before smirking."That's better, Princess."

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