Part Twenty Five

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You were woken up by someone running into your... well, Wanda's room, and jumping on the bed. You opened your eyes, only to see Wanda's face hovering above you.

"What the hell?" You mumbled out.

"I have a question for you." She grinned at you.

"And it can't wait until later?"

"It's urgent." She said, shaking your body to wake you up when you closed your eyes again.

You groaned and sat up in bed, looking at the redhead. "What?"

"Why did Tony come into your room last night?" Wanda asked. You were confused... apparently, Bucky didn't tell everyone about you and Tony. You quickly shook your head and pretended not to know what she's talking about.

"How would I know? It's his house."You shrugged.

"Then why doesn't he go to, I don't know, Steve's room at night?" She raised an eyebrow at you. "He came into your room last night and touched my back. When I screamed, he said he thought it was you."

"I don't know anything, Wanda. I just got up." You rubbed your eyes and yawned. "Are you sure you didn't dream of that?"

"I was very much awake." Her eyes scanned over your face, trying to find any signs of you lying to her, but you raised an eyebrow at her. "You know, I'll find out what's going on here."

She left the room, leaving you alone. You let out a deep breath before taking your phone and texting Tony about Wanda. You spent the next half hour in the bathroom, before coming out and checking your phone.

You clenched the phone in your hands when you saw Tony read your messages, but didn't reply.

Thinking he's busy, you gave up on that and went downstairs to the living room, where you found Hope.

"Hey!" She said and you smiled at her."You want some coffee?"

"No, thank you. Do you know where is Tony?"You asked.

"He went out of the house early this morning." Hope answered. "What are you planning on doing?"

You shrugged, "Nothing."

Hope grinned at you. "Then I can show you the east wing."

Before you had a chance to answer, Hope pulled you with her down the hallway and you walked to the east wing of the house together. Hope scanned her card before you entered through the glass door. You expected Hope to lead you through the door right next to Tony's 'cinema', but she gestured at you to follow her down the stairs.

You looked at her in question, and she smiled. "It's underground."

You followed her to the elevator and when you walked inside, Hope pressed a number.

You weren't sure how much passed, but you spent more time in the elevator than you expected to.

When you walked out, Hope led you down the numerous tunnels, you had a feeling you were in a labyrinth. When she led you through another glass doors, you were met by a very large room, full of high tech and people passing around the room. When you stepped inside, they looked up from the monitors to look at you.

"See, I told you guys I'll bring her to meet you." Hope said to them.

"What's happening?" You asked, smiling nervously, nudging Hope.

"My team wanted to meet you." She said and you were approached by a couple of people.

You looked at the man with black hair and glasses. "Hi, I'm Bruce."

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐌 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now