Part Six

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The next day, you were back in your room. It was cleaned and it was like nothing ever happened inside of it. Through the window in the room, you could see people going in and out of the house the whole morning.

You spent the morning alone, until someone knocked on the door and Tony peeked inside. "Hey." He smiled when he saw you.

"Hey." You said, turning around to face him.

He stepped inside and closed the door fully."Are you doing anything?"

You raised an eyebrow at him and he just laughed, shaking his head.

"Right. Do you feel better today? I've planned something."

"Really, what?" You crossed your arms as you looked at him.

"Training." Tony said and your face dropped. "Nope, no excuses now. Everybody who lives in this house has been through that training and now, you need it too."

"Do I?" You asked with a sad face.

"Yes." Tony said. His face told you there was no way out of it.

"Okay." You sighed.

"You can change into something more comfortable. I'll wait for you outside."He said and, before you could protest, he rushed out of your room.

You sighed again and opened up the closet.

After you were dressed in a black tank top and black leggings, you walked out of your room and found Tony waiting for you. You saw he didn't change his clothes, which confused you - how were you guys supposed to train? He was dressed in a black suit and was walking up and down the hallway, one hand pressing the phone to his ear as he was talking to someone, while he placed the other hand in his pocket. He turned around and saw you walking out of the room. You flashed him a grin and his grumpy face disappeared.

He smiled back at you while speaking into the phone, "I gotta go now. I'll call you later." He said and ended the call, walking over to where you were standing.

You raised an eyebrow at him before grinning again. "I hope I didn't interrupt you flirting with a girl or something else."

Tony chuckled, "Sweetheart, you didn't. There are no women in my life."

Your eyes widened. "What? How is that possible?"

Tony led you down the stairs, walking one step in front of you like a real gentleman. "I don't have time to deal with women right now. And, I don't want to drag someone else into my life, it's too dangerous."

You nodded your head as you followed Tony down the stairs. When you walked onto the first floor, you weren't too surprised, figuring he'd probably take you somewhere outside. But, you were surprised when you saw Tony go further down the stairs. "Where are we going?"

"Just stay close to me." Tony said to you and you had to listen to him.

Tony placed his hand on your lower back and led you down the stairs. You walked into another long hallway. There were many doors, and you passed by all of them until Tony stopped and opened one. He held the door open for you and you shared a long look with him until you walked inside.

Tony waited for your reaction as he closed the door. You turned to face him, your face showing surprise.

"Tony? What's this?" You asked, looking around.

"This room", Tony gestured around,"Is where you'll practice shooting."

You looked at the large selections of weapons on a wall and the targets placed in front, all in different shapes."Why would I need to do that?"

"Because, I want you to know how to defend yourself. You were lucky that girl didn't hurt you yesterday." Tony explained.

"But I... I... "

"I'll show you how to." He said as he walked over to the weapons. He took two guns in his hands and weighed them in his hands, until he decided on which one you'll be using. He walked over to you. "Give me your hand."

You lent your hand out and Tony gently placed the gun in your open hand. You grimaced as you took it.

"You need to get used to this." Tony said as he moved your other hand to grip the gun properly. "The world's not a pretty place. Point the gun at me."

"What?" You asked, looking up at him, not sure if you heard him correctly.

"You heard me. Point it at me."

You looked down to the gun and then back at Tony. You took a long breath and pointed the gun at Tony's head, not daring to breathe anymore.

Tony smiled and moved your hand to grip the gun properly, again. "You can't hesitate, sweetheart." He said and your stomach twisted in knots when he called you by that nickname again. "Let's get to shooting now. Stand there."

He pointed to the empty place in front of the targets. You breathed out, finally lowering the gun and did as Tony asked. A target appared in front of you and you looked back at Tony.

"Shoot it." He said.


"Wherever you want."

You raised the gun in your hands and aimed it at the target. Tony was surprised when he heard the shooting and looked over, seeing the bullet went straight through the head.

He smirked and approached you."Good job. You sure this wasn't your first time?"

You nodded your head and Tony smiled.

"Okay. Now try the chest."

You turned around again and aimed the gun at the target. Tony looked over to it and saw that the bullet went through, where would be a person's heart, this time.

"Very good." He said. "You have a good aim." You felt his body pressing on yours as he looked at the way you positioned your hands.

"Uh, thank you, I guess?" You said.

"Let's get to the other parts." Tony said and placed your gun on the table.

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