Part Twenty Eight

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Tony's car pulled up in front of the house and, when you left it, Tony placed his hand on your lower back, leading you inside the house, afraid something is going to happen to you.

"You're back!" Wanda said, rushing down the stairs to pull you into a hug. Maria trailed after her, hugging you when Wanda pulled away. They both were followed by Steve and Bucky.

"You made it here safe." Steve said.

"How did this happen?" Tony growled at the two of them.

"We don't know. None of the staff know what happened."Bucky said. "But we all know who did this."

You all nodded, sharing knowing looks.

"Call a meeting with Fury." Tony said to Steve. "The truce is over."

You spent the rest of the day with Wanda and Maria in your room. When the night fell, you were left alone in your room and were leaving the bathroom after the shower you took, when you heard a knock on your door, before Tony walked inside. He caught your gaze and you smiled softly at him. "Hey."

"Hey." He said as he closed the door."You got time?"

"Of course." You said.

"I have something to tell you." He said, loosening his tie before taking it off and dropping it on a chair.

"What?" You asked, now standing in front of him.

"I'm leaving."Tony whispered, taking you by surprise.

"Leaving? Where? Can I come with you?"

Tony shook his head as he looked down at the floor. "Bucky, Steve and I are leaving, along with a few other people. We think we found the location of the Red Room."

Your eyes widened in shock, your heart beating faster at his words."You're serious?"He nodded."Are you sure? It's Dreykov, he's always one step ahead. I don't think you should go."

"Shhh." Tony put his finger over your lips to silence you. "I know. I know everything. I'm willing to risk it. It's my job to protect you."He leaned his forehead on yours and you just stood there in each other's embrace.

"Spend the night here." You whispered to Tony who opened his eyes to look at you.

"Are you sure?" He asked and you nodded your head.

A few minutes later, your head was laid on top of Tony's chest and he was drawing shapes on your back with his fingers. You were listening to the soft thumping of his heart beating inside his chest, and his breathing while Tony enjoyed being in your presence. Only you were able to calm him down. With those thoughts, you both fell asleep, knowing it may be the last night you'll spend together.

It was two days later when you were in Tony's office, watching out the window when Hope rushed inside."Did you hear anything from them?"

You shook your head. "I can't call them. It's an undercover mission, any type of communication can blow it."

Hope nodded. "We found evidence against... " She trailed off, looking behind herself to make sure no one could hear you two. You turned towards her, raising an eyebrow."We found everything. Calls to each other, meetings, pictures, text messages... You might wanna look at them."

You nodded. "Let's go."

After you listened through everything and went through it along with Hope and Scott, you told them to keep it on a seperate drive and secure it until you contacted Fury and told him about it.

The next day, Tony was approaching a building with his gun raised, followed by Bucky, Steve and two groups of men. Steve gestured at him to let him go first. He counted to three before he knocked the door open, making them fall.

They entered the building with guns raised. Surprised at how everything was quiet, they shared looks.

"Spread out." Tony ordered.

They spread out through the building, only to find every room empty. It was clear the building was used by someone not too long ago, but now they couldn't find anyone inside.

Tony was still in the hallway, looking around the building when he was aporoached by Bucky.

"Found anything?" He asked, but Bucky shook his head.

"I managed to access the database in  the office on the top floor, but everything's been wiped out. Everything is destroyed. It's like they knew we were coming." Bucky placed his hands on his hips.

Tony's phone started to ring and he pulled it out of his pocket, seeing Fury's name flashing on the screen. He answered it.

"Stark."Fury urgently said. "Did you find anyone?"

"No." Tony said in disappointment."They probably knew we were coming."

"Did you know Sergey never left the state?" Fury asked, making Tony look at Bucky in surprise."He's still here. I have guys checking for everyone that entered the state and you're not going to like this."

Tony let out his breath, "What is it?"

"Dreykov and the man we suspect to be the head of Hydra, Pierce, came here yesterday." Fury said, making Tony's eyes widen. He understood what was happening immediately.

"I'll call you back." He said and ended the call before dialing your number.

You were in Tony's office, talking to Maria. None of you noticed the phone vibrating on Tony's desk.

Meanwhile, outside, the guards were circling around the house. Just as two of them walked behind the house, one fell on the ground. The other turned to look at what happened, when he found his eyes wide open as the blood pooled on the ground from the bullet wound in his forehead.

Just as the other was about to reach for his gun, he was shot in the head and he fell on the ground, dead as well.

A guy dressed in all black was the one who shot the cameras in the back of the house, allowing the rest of the group to step into the yard.

Hope turned around in her chair and accidentally saw on the monitor a few of the cameras weren't working.

"Scott!" She called and Scott immediately showed up behind her."What's happening to the cameras?"

"I have no idea."

In Tony's office, you looked out the window and noticed none of the guards were there anymore. Your eyebrows furrowed and you got up from your chair to check on the window, failing to notice Tony's message that read: 'Get out of the house. Now!'.

"Weren't there more guards?" You asked Maria who raised her eyes from the papers and looked at you."Everyone disappeared."

You looked to the ground and you couldn't see anyone. You were about to move away from the window, when you caught sight of a hand laid on the ground, belonging to one of the guards. The rest of his body was hidden from your view, but you could see blood pooling onto the hand, soaking the shirt in red.

You moved away from the window in shock.

"What happened?" Maria asked and you turned to look at her with wide eyes.

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