Part Twenty

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Two hours passed and you were still watching the Vampire Diaries. Tony was growing annoyed by every passing minute. He was starting to hate Klaus. Every time he appeared on screen Tony saw you biting your lip and smiling.

"Rebekah is so hot." Wanda whispered to you.

Tony looked over at the two of you and crossed his arms. "Next time, call her and Klaus to babysit you."

You shot him a glare which made him shut up.

Wanda yawned and stretched her arms. "I'm gonna go to sleep."

"Already?" You looked at her as she got up. It was still early.

"I'm tired." She said. "Tony, we don't have an extra room, would you mind sleeping-"

"On the couch." You finished.

Tony fake smiled at you. "Of course not. You know what that means, Princess? Get your gorgeous behind off this couch, I'm gonna go to sleep."He took the opportunity to finally make you stop daydreaming about Klaus.

"Right."You turned off the TV and got up, walking to your room with Tony's eyes following you.

You kept turning in bed for the next half an hour. You couldn't sleep with Tony being in the room next to yours.

Your thoughts were interrupted when all the lights in the apartment suddenly shut off. You gasped and sat up in bed. After a few seconds, you heard sounds coming from the front door.

Getting the covers off yourself, you quickly walked to the living room."Tony?"You whispered, but nobody said anything back.

You gathered courage and walked over to the couch, feeling around with your arms. You felt the table and knowing the couch was behind it, you placed your hand down to the couch, feeling around.

"What the fuck?" Tony sat up on the couch when you touched his chest.

"Sorry, it's me." You whispered.

"Where are you?" He asked. You tried to walk closer to him. You tripped again, and your hand punched into something.

Tony gulped. "Oh my God, Princess."

"What?" You asked coming face to face with him.

"Do you have any idea where you just punched me?"

"No, where?"

Not wanting to embarrass you, Tony stayed quiet. He was face to face with you and the moonlight that was shining into the apartment allowed him to see you.

"Why are you sneaking around? Why don't you turn the light on?"

"The power went out." You whispered to him.

"Don't tell me you're scared." Tony said.

You scoffed, "Obviously not. I just heard someone speaking in front of our door and thought..." You trailed off.

Tony nodded his head. "Wanna stay here with me?"

"You don't have to do that for me. I just wanted to see if you heard it as well. " You said.

Tony smiled at you. "I have to. Now, does Red have any candles in here?"

"I think they're in the kitchen."

"And kitchen is where?"

"I'll show you."You let him get up, but Tony tripped on something, like you did earlier, and fell on the couch, pulling you on top of him. You gasped when you heard the couch crack." Did we just break the couch?"You asked and, in that moment, the lights turned back on.

"I think we did." Tony said. You got up from him and he followed, inspecting the damage you two made.

"Wanda is going to kill us." You said and looked at Tony.

"Well, on the bright side, the power is back." Tony said, placing his hands on his hips.

"Where are you gonna sleep?" You raised an eyebrow at Tony.

"Don't worry about it, Princess."

You sighed. "Come on. My room is this way."

"No, you don't have to do that." Tony was trying to stop you.

"Tony." You cut him off. "Come on."

He smiled to himself before he followed you, excited. You led him into your room and sat down on your side of the bed. "No touching."You said, making Tony groan.

"You're no fun."

You shot him a glare. "I'm serious, Tony."

"Fine, fine. No touching." He said while taking off his tie. He laid down on the bed next to you and kept the promise through the whole night.

It was around 4 am when you turned your back towards Tony and felt a strong hand wrap around your waist, pulling you to a hard chest. Your eyes opened and you looked down at Tony's hand, then back at him. His eyes were closed and you realized he did it in his sleep. You tried to tug onto his arm, but he was too strong for you. His grip only tightened and you eventually gave up and went back to sleep.

The next time, you were woken up by the sun rays shining directly in your face. You groaned and opened your eyes, blinking a few times to get used to the light. Tony's face was buried in your neck and he still kept his grip on your body.

You had to go to the toilet, so you were careful to pull away from Tony. You took his hand from your waist and put it down onto the bed, but when you tried to sneak out, a strong hand wrapped around your waist again, making you fall back onto the bed.

Tony towered above you, a grin on his face. "Trying to sneak away?" He asked.

"Get off." You were trying to push him away, but failed.

He placed a kiss on your cheek, his beard tickling your face.

"No, Tony!" You said and he stopped to look down at you. "What the hell?"

"Sweetheart, I didn't see you in a whole month. You have no idea how much I missed you."

"I'm still mad at you, you can't just do this."

Tony's smile dropped from his face."I'm sorry. Truly. I can't even explain how sorry I am. But I was scared."

"Scared of what?"

"I..." Tony closed his eyes and breathed out. "I was scared you were gonna leave."

You avoided his gaze. "You made it worse by not telling me, Tony."

"I know." He said. "I'm really sorry for everything. From not telling you, to shooting you and letting Carol do those things to you... I promise, if you come back, I won't keep anything from you anymore. You'll know everything."

You sighed. "Tony, I need time to think about this."

Tony nodded. "I understand. Take as long time as you need."

"Now, can you please move?" You asked.

Tony listened to you and moved off of you. Just when you were about to get up, you heard Wanda scream.


You and Tony shared a look.

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