Part Twenty Two

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You just arrived back in Tony's house and you opened the door of the car, exiting it as the door to the house slammed open and Maria walked out. She rushed towards you and pulled you into a hug.

Tony rolled his eyes. "I'm fine too, thank you."

"I haven't seen you in so long."Maria mumbled out to you when you parted.

"I missed you too." You smiled at her.

"Are you okay? You got blood on you."

"It's not mine." You said and Tony smiled at you proudly. "I need to shower, like right now."

"No one touched your room, your clothes are still there." Tony told you before you walked inside the house.

You felt better as soon as you stepped into the shower and washed the dust and blood off your body.

You wore a pair of lingerie before you went back to your room, only to find Tony waiting there. He looked up when you walked into the room and his eyes widened.

You caught sight of him as well."Tony!"

"Fuck, I'm so sorry, Princess."He said.

"Turn around!" You said and he listened to you, turning your back towards you.

You grabbed your clothes off the bed and quickly put them on before Tony turned around again.

"I must say, you look good." Tony said, making your face burn with embarrassment.

"Why are you here?"You asked.

"I wanted to see if you're really okay."He looked over your body.

You nodded. "I am."

Tony looked back to your face. "I had no idea you could fight like that. We'll have to make use of how flexible you are."He bit his tongue as soon as he said the last sentence.

You raised an eyebrow. "Will we now?"

"I meant on missions, if I decide you can join them. Nothing else." He stuttered out. "I think I'll leave now."

You smiled and bit your lip. Watching Tony like this was amusing to you. Usually, he was this confident guy, with a dark aura, you could basically smell danger on him, and yet he was here in front of you stuttering over his words.

He rushed out of the door and slammed them close.

You let out a laugh, then clenched your thighs together at the thought of him. Tony wasn't much better. He had to go to his room, already feeling his pants tighten around him, and had to take care of the situation himself.

Meanwhile, you walked down the stairs where you found Wanda just entering the house.

Before you knew it, her figure moved in a blur and she pulled you into a hug. "I thought something happened to you." She mumbled into your neck.

"I'm fine, Wan." You said, rubbing over her back.

It was around 10 pm and you were getting ready for bed. You were sitting in front of the mirror and massaging the cream on your face. You heard someone knock on the door before they opened, revealing Tony.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Yeah." You looked at him in the mirror as he walked inside and closed the door before he walked over to the bed and sat down on it. He was out of his suit, and now he was wearing a Black Sabbath shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants.

"I had people clean Wanda's apartment. One girl that was left alive ran away. We upgraded the security as well. Here." He put a card onto the makeup table and you stared down at it.

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