Part Eighteen

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You were taking a bath when Wanda rushed inside your room and slammed the doors closed.

She heard you sigh from the bathroom. You already knew who it was. "You gotta stop entering my room like that. Knocking is a thing, too."

"I know, but I have something important to tell you." She said and walked to the bathroom.

You sank more into the water, so the bubbles were covering your chest."Go on."

She looked around the bathroom that had candles all around it, then the rose petals in your bath, and finally the glass of wine in your hand."You're, like, Tony's soulmate."

"What?"You asked, thinking you heard her wrong.

Wanda chuckled, "You both are so dramatic."

"I'm just taking a bath." You said, confused.

"With flowers and candles?" She raised an eyebrow.

You waved her off, "What did you want to tell me?"

"Tony's organizing a party here."She said.

"And?" You took a sip of the wine, watching Wanda over the glass.

"Everybody's coming."

"Is there a part that involves me? Cause I have no idea why you're telling me this."

"Because you're gonna be there, obviously!"

"Am I?" You asked.

"Duh!" Wanda said. "Why else would Tony be spending the whole day getting ready?"

You sat up in the tub. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I just found out too!" She screamed back at you.

"I need to get ready!"

Wanda was quick to find Alice for you and she spent the rest of the afternoon getting you ready. She picked out a white jumpsuit with a glitter top and paired it with white high heels. She found the diamond earrings Tony got for you and made you wear them. She curled your hair and then styled it in a bun, letting a few strands fall out of it. You went for the nude makeup and just when the guests started arriving, you were done.

"How do I look?" You asked Wanda, who was in the room and waited for you to get ready. She got ready an hour before you.

"Beautiful." Wanda said, nudging Maria who woke up with a jump and looked at you.

"Is it time to go?" Maria asked and you looked at her in the mirror. She rolled her eyes. "You look beautiful."

You grinned, "Thank you. Now we can go."

Downstairs, the party was in a full swing. It was the day of the year where Tony wanted his team to relax. He made parties like this one every year on the same day.

Tony was sipping on his whiskey, standing next to Steve when he saw someone coming down the stairs. He caught sight of you and his gaze remained on you. He pulled the glass away from his mouth and kept staring in amazement.

"Tony?" Steve asked when he realized Tony wasn't answering him. He followed his gaze to the stairs and saw you coming down the stairs with Wanda and Maria. They looked beautiful in the black dresses they were wearing, but you stole everyone's attention."Holy shit."Steve mumbled out.

You caught Tony's gaze on you and felt Wanda nudging you with her elbow, chuckling to herself when she saw the glances you two were exchanging.

"Y/N!" Your moment was interrupted by Hope, who approached you and made you look away from Tony.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐌 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now