Part Two

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You were dressed in a thin, white robe and taken somewhere outside the building. You couldn't see anything because of the blindfold you had over your eyes, but you felt the harsh, strong hands of men gripping your arms as they moved you somewhere.

You heard you were taken out of the building, heard the cars passing by and felt the cold breeze on your skin before you were pushed in a car.

You didn't know what to do, you didn't dare to move a single muscle. You heard the men talking in English and you even heard a woman speaking. The car started to drive away.

Soon, a strong hand was placed on your neck while the other took off your blindfold.

You came face to face with a man that had dark hair and dark brown eyes. He had a goatee on his face and he was dressed in a black suit. He was giving off the vibe as someone who was not to be messed with. His stoic expression was turned into a smile when he saw your teary eyes and he threw the blindfold on the seat next to him. "There, we can see each other now."

You couldn't say a word. When the man leaned back on his seat and poured himself a glass of alcohol, you dared to look around. You were in the back of a jeep that had leather seats. In front, a man was driving while another, muscular man was sitting on the passenger seat next to him.

Next to you, there was a brunette woman typing something on her laptop while the man didn't move his eyes off you.

"I'm Tony Stark, this is Hope."He gestured at the woman sitting next to you. "Don't cry, you're safe with us."

You still didn't say anything, just kept looking at them.

"We don't want to harm you, okay?"Tony asked. "I bought you to help you. I was told you speak English, can you at least nod so I know you understand me?"

You hesitantly nodded and Tony shot you a small smile.

"Do you have any family? Anyone we can contact?"

You shook your head no.

"Then we'll take you back to my home, okay? You can stay there as long as you want." Tony said.

You moved your eyes off him to look out the window, finally seeing the light of the day outside. When you spoke, your voice was hoarse and you couldn't even recognize your own voice. Before you could even finish your sentence, you started to cough and Tony hurried to pass you a bottle of water. You took it and drank the water, feeling better.

"There we go."He smiled at you."Better?"

You nodded your head.

"What did you want to ask me?"

"Why are you helping me?"You asked and saw a dark expression crossing over his face. You hurried to add the next bit, afraid he'll hurt you. "I - I mean, I heard what happens to girls after they're bought. You... you're different."

Tony looked back at you and smiled softly. This man looked so dark and dangerous you thought he'd kill you without a second thought, but here he was smiling at you. "I told you I'm here to help you. Besides, the man who had you locked up, Sergey," You nodded your head."I want to destroy him. He took something of mine and I want to destroy him. The only thing you need to do is, whenever you're ready, go to the police with me and tell them everything."

Your lips were parted. "A - And what happens to me after that?"

"You'll be free from him, forever."Tony said and looked down at your body. "For now, we need to get you dressed. You'll catch a cold."

And soon after, the car stopped in front of, what you knew was, one of the expensive stores. The door were open for you by one of Tony's men.You hesitantly walked outside, being left in surprise none of them looked down at your almost naked body. When you looked behind, you saw another car parking right next to the one you were in. It was filled with muscular men and they were, without a doubt, working for Tony.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Tony said from behind you, still sitting in the car."That's why Hope is going to go with you."

"Me?" The brunette looked up from her laptop. "What if she tries to escape? I - I'm just a hacker, Mr. Stark, I don't know a thing about-"

"Hope." Tony said, cutting her off with a single word. She fell silent and took the card he was offering her. "Buy her whatever she needs." He finished and Hope nodded, walking out of the car.

"Let's go." She said to you and you were taken inside the store. You gripped the robe around yourself and followed Hope the entire time around the store. After a few minutes inside, Hope picked out a few things for you to try on and took you to a changing cabin.

"We don't have enough time for you to try everything on." She told you in a soft voice. "You can pick out whatever you want to wear and change into it, the rest is, I hope, in your size."

You listened to her and picked out a pair of black jeans, a shirt and a jacket. Hope also handed you new underwear to change into. When you were done, she also picked out a pair of shoes for you to try on.

"Let me just... " She took a wet tissue and went to wipe off your, now ruined, makeup but you flinched away from her touch, making her raise her hands in surrender. She cautiously approached you with the tissue in her hands. "I'm not going to hurt you, okay, Y/N? I don't even know how to handle a weapon. I just want to wipe away your makeup, is that okay?"

You nodded your head and she approached you, wiping off the mascara that was running down your cheeks. After she was done, she tossed it into garbage along with the robe and underwear you had on before.

"Let's go pay for this now." She said and you nodded, following her to the cashier. While she was checking out all the clothes, Hope turned to talk to you.

"Mr. Stark is not a bad man, Y/N. He'll help you."She said softly. "And he'd never harm a woman. You just have to trust him and... be loyal to him. Trust me, horrible things happened to people who betrayed him." She said and you gulped. "I don't mean to scare you, I was just giving you a warning. I'm sure you won't betray him, but I just want you to know it."

You nodded. "Thank you."

After the woman was done, Hope paid for everything with Tony's card and she took you back inside the car, where Tony was patiently waiting for the two of you. A smile appeared on his face when he saw you. "You're all done?"

"We are." Hope said, placing the bags filled with your new clothes on the seat next to Tony. "We can go now, Mr. Stark."

"Where are we going?" You gathered strength to ask."Where are we now?"

Tony's phone rang and he answered it before he had a chance to answer your question. Instead, Hope looked towards you as she took her laptop back on her lap."We're still in Russia. And we're going to California. The plane is waiting for us at the airport."

You gulped again. Trying to show no emotions, you looked out the window and prayed for everything to go right.

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