Part Four

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After you were done with your bath, Alice was drying your hair and after that, she was gently brushing it.

"So, what did you want to know, Miss Y/N?" She asked you, meeting your gaze in the mirror.

"I... well, I figured out who exactly Tony is and what he does. I just wanted to know who else is in the house."

"Oh, there's hundreds of people in the house every day. You don't have to worry, you're safe here. Mr. Stark's security system is one of the best in the world."

You nodded your head. It was clear that either Alice didn't know much, or she wasn't allowed to tell you. You were just about to ask her another question, when you were interrupted.

"I see Alice is taking a great care of you." You heard Tony's voice coming from the door. You looked in the mirror and saw him leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed as he looked at you, a smile on his face.

"Mr. Stark." Alice said, turning around to face Tony. Your breath hitched in your throat as you looked at him.

"Can you leave us alone, Alice?" He asked and the girl quickly nodded her head and left the room. Tony stepped inside and the door closed behind him.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked as you got up from the chair and turned to face him.

"I am." You nodded. "Thank you... for everything you did for me."

Tony smiled down at you. "I had to. I couldn't leave you there for someone other to buy you. God knows where you'd end up."

"I know." You said quietly. "I'd probably be beaten up, or... " You trailed off, but Tony knew what you meant. He saw the shivers appearing on your arm and he reached out towards you, placing his hand on your jaw, his thumb rubbing over your cheek. His smile widened when he saw you didn't flinch away from his touch anymore. You trusted him.

"How did you end up in a place like that?"

You shrugged, "I don't know. I only remember it was, uh... dark and I was playing outside my grandmother's house when someone drugged me, or something. They stabbed me in the neck with a needle. I don't remember what happened after that, I only remember waking up in a room with a lot of other girls, some even younger than me. I don't know how much time we spent there, but... it seemed very long."

Tony nodded. He saw the tears in your eyes and didn't want to push you any further. "You're safe here now. That's what matters."

"Yeah." You said, wiping the tears off.

"Are you sure you don't have any family?" Tony asked and you shook your head no.

"I'm an only child and my, uh, parents were killed. My grandparents are probably dead by now." You said and Tony's eyes widened.


"Yeah", you nodded, moving your eyes off Tony to look at the window, not sure why you were telling him all of that, "I was told it was a car accident, but I know it was something more."

Tony's eyebrows furrowed while he was looking at you.

"Do you know who did it?"

"No." You shook your head. "But when I find out who did it, I'm going to kill him the same way he killed my parents."

Tony couldn't help but smile. You looked so small and fragile, Tony wasn't sure you could harm anybody. He gently took your wrist and made you turn around to face him. He placed his hand on your cheek and looked into your eyes. "No. If we find out who did it, I'm going to kill him. I don't want blood on your hands."

Your eyes shined while you looked at him. "Really? You would do that for me?"

"Of course. I have to protect you and help you, and that includes killing for you. You're part of the family now. You just have to tell me when you want me to start searching for the killer."

You nodded your head and smiled back at Tony. "Thank you."

"Of course, beautiful." Tony said and moved away from you. "I have to go now, though. Oh and, you will get your badge in a few days. Until then, if you need something my room is across the hall from yours."

You nodded and Tony left your room after he said goodbye to you. He walked down the stairs and found a man was just going up to his office, looking for him.

"Boss." He greeted Tony, who gestured at him to speak while passing by him.

The man followed him, "We caught the man who was working for the Russians."

"Kill him."

The man nodded.

"And send his body back to them."Tony said as he was walking down the stairs and rolling up his sleeves. "Let them know that's what happens to the spies they send."

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