Part Twenty Six

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Tony turned you to look at him, moving a strand of hair behind your ear. "Wanna go with me?"

"Where?" Your eyebrows furrowed.

"Away from all of this." Tony said. "We got a few days of peace, why don't we use them?"

"Y-you're serious?" You asked, moving in his lap to get a better look at his face, only to find it dead serious.

"Yes. I got an island far enough from here. A private island." Tony said."We'll be the only ones there."

"I mean", you licked your lips as Tony waited for your answer, "I don't have anything else to do."

Tony grinned and pulled you in for a kiss. "Pack your things, Princess. We're leaving today."

"Yes, sir." You said and gave him a peck before getting up.

You rushed out of his office while Tony looked at you, a smile on his face.

Bucky took you home and you went into your room to pack your things. Wanda rushed inside as you were placing things in the suitcase.

"We have to talk." She said and plopped down on the bed, next to the suitcase.

"About?" You asked as you put a dress inside.

"About you not telling me things, obviously." She said. "Are you and Tony together?"

You looked at her and sighed.

Wanda raised an eyebrow at you and crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for your answer.

"We are." You said after a long pause.

Wanda let out a squeal and jumped on top of you, pulling you into a hug. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!"

You laughed as you hugged her back.

"I'm so happy for you!" Wanda said when she parted from you. "You both deserve it. Tony especially after..." She trailed off and bit down onto her tongue.

You looked at her in confusion. "After what?"

"He didn't tell you." Wanda realized."I really can't tell you. You have to ask Tony."

"What are you not telling me?" You asked.

"I got something to do. But uh, good luck on your trip." She winked at you and ran out of the room. You looked after her and sighed.

When you packed your stuff, Steve appeared in your room to take you to the airport, where Tony was waiting for you.

When you arrived, you caught sight of Tony walking out of his private jet. He saw you and smiled before approaching you and Steve. Meanwhile, your suitcase was being put into the plane.

"The location is still secure, right?"Steve raised an eyebrow at Tony.

"Relax, Rogers, no one knows about the island." Tony said before pulling you into his side by your waist."Hey there, Princess."

"Hey."You said, looking at him with a smile on your face.

"Be careful, Tony." Steve warned."Sergey knows we're onto him, and it's the matter of time when Hope and her team will find something to connect him to Hydra and the Red Room."

"What if, uh... " You said, licking over your lower lip. "What if I testify against him, or something? I remember everything he made me do, as well as his jobs and connections to Dreykov."

"It could help us, but it's not enough."Steve said. "We need more evidence. He needs to be taken down for good."

"Well, until I come back, you're in charge." Tony said, patting Steve's shoulder.

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