Part Eight

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You were laying in bed and scrolling through your new phone.

The door was open and you saw Tony walk by in a rush.

"Tony!" You called out to him, getting up from your bed and walking towards the door.

He turned around and walked into your room. "Yes, Princess?"

Your stomach twisted in knots again and you put on a smile on your face. "I wanted to thank you for the new phone."

"Oh", he blinked, "No problem."

"You didn't have to spend this much money on me though, I know this was expensive-"

Tony leaned against the door."Princess."

The nickname made you shut up. You stared at him and he approached you."I don't care how much it cost, okay? Your only job is to let me buy you things. Understood?"

"Y-yes." You stuttered out.

Tony nodded approvingly. Your gaze fell down onto the floor and you accidentally caught sight of Tony's bloodied knuckles. You grabbed his hand and brought it up closer to your face to inspect it. "What happened to your hand?"

"It's nothing. Forget about it."

"I can't forget about it. Look at the state of your hand, Tony." You led him over to sit on the bed and you got on your knees, making Tony roll his eyes and look away. He couldn't keep his thoughts pure when he saw you on your knees in front of him.

"Uh, am I interrupting something?"You heard and you both turned around, only to see Maria standing at the door.

Her gaze went from you on your knees, holding Tony's hand, to Tony.

"Does no one in this fucking house know how to fucking knock?" Tony asked.

"The door was open." Maria pointed behind her back. "And I was looking for you."

"Well, you found me, Hill."Tony raised an eyebrow, gesturing at her to say whatever she had to say.

"I left my report on the mission on your desk. And, uh, Director Fury is coming over later. You two have some things to discuss."

"Fine. You can leave now. And close the damn door." Tony almost growled.

Maria raised her hands in surrender and went to walk out of the room when you called her name.

"Can you get me the first aid kit? I don't know where it is."

Maria's eyes widened and she saw Tony's bloodied knuckles. "Oh, so that's what was going on."

"What else would it be?"You asked.

Maria shrugged, gesturing at you on your knees and stepping out of the room.

This time, your eyes widened and you quickly moved to sit on the bed next to Tony, who let out a chuckle. "I'm so sorry, Tony. Oh my God, this is embarrassing. Now Maria probably thinks-"

"Shh, Princess. It's not your fault. And let Hill think whatever she wants to think, okay?"

You nodded your head. "Who's Director Fury?"

"Don't worry your pretty little head about him." Tony smiled at you.

Maria brought the first aid kit and she rushed out of the room, closing the door after herself. You took Tony's hand in yours and started to clean the blood off.

"What happened to your hand?" You asked.

"I... punched someone." Tony said and looked down at your face.


Tony shrugged.

"You punched someone for no reason?" You questioned again.

Tony sighed, remembering how he punched Bucky after he told him the whole story and asked them not to tell you about it.

"Oh, he deserved it." Tony assured you and you looked at him suspiciously. You put some alcohol on his wound to desinfect it and Tony didn't even flinch. Guess he was used to it, you thought.


Tony breathed out. "I can't tell you."

He remembered his own words to Bucky earlier - "This stays between us."

As much as he wanted to blame Bucky, it wasn't his fault, but Hydra's.

Years before, Steve found him after he was sent by Hydra to kill Tony and decided to help him. They were best friends since that day.

Tony saw the state Bucky was in after the Winter Soldier disappeared. He blamed himself for every single death caused by the Winter Soldier, not caring he was brainwashed to kill for Hydra. In his mind, it was still him causing those deaths.

And now, he found out he killed your parents.

And Tony promised to help you catch the killer.

He didn't know what to do.

"Tony?" You called, making Tony snap out of his thoughts.


"I've been calling your name for the past two minutes." You smiled sweetly at him. "I have a question to ask you."

Tony raised an eyebrow at you.

"I had a talk with Bucky today." You began and Tony tensed up at only the mention of his name. He undid one button of his shirt, his hand rubbing over his neck.

"What did he tell you?" Tony asked."Did he hurt you or anything?"

"No, no, don't worry about it. He was sweet. But, he reminded me of one fact."

"Which fact?" Tony asked.

"Will you help me find who killed my parents?" You asked.

Tony immediately pulled his hand out of yours, making you look at him in surprise. He clenched his jaw, trying to think of what to do. He shook his head and looked at you, realizing you were still watching him, confused what was going on.

He looked down at your hands and realized he was too rough with you when he pulled his hand out of yours."I'm sorry. I'll tell Hope and her team to start the search. You don't have to do anything, they're one of the best in the world."

He watched as your lips curved into a smile and you nodded. "Thank you. But, you'll both update me about it, right?"

"Of course." Tony said and got up from your bed. "Now, get ready. I wanna take you out shopping. You can buy whatever you need for yourself."

"What?" You squealed out.

"Get ready, Princess. I'll wait in my office." He said and walked out of the room.

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