Part Twenty One

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That same day, you were in the apartment alone. You were in the kitchen, making cookies again, while Wanda was out grocery shopping.

That morning, Wanda made Tony buy her a new couch and, after that, he went back to his house.

Just as you put the cookies into the oven, the front door unlocked and Tony walked inside, carrying something in both his arms.

"How the hell did you just enter?" You asked, wiping your hands off.

Tony rolled his eyes before approaching you and placing a kiss on your cheek. "Hi. It's nice to see you, too. I'm fine, how are you?" You shook your head at him and turned back, walking into the kitchen to clean the mess. He followed you. "This is for you. And Wanda gave me a key, by the way."

You turned around and saw Tony placing a bouqet of roses onto the kitchen counter besides you along with a bag full of candy.

You smiled at him. "Thank you."

"What are you making?" He asked when you turned your back to him. You felt his body press against your back as he reached for the plate of cookies that was sitting on the counter. Your breath hitched in your throat when you felt him so close to you.

Your eyes widened in realization. Tony took the cookies that were made with salt and, before you could tell him, he bit into one.

You squeezed your eyes shut when he started to cough.

"Did you make these?" He asked with his mouth full.

"Yeah." You said quietly.

Tony managed to swallow the bite without making a face. He didn't want to hurt your feelings. "Uh, they're good." He said and you smiled at him.


"No, they are."

You raised an eyebrow at him. "I accidentally made them with salt."

Tony put the plate on the counter and looked back at you."Were you trying to kill me?"

"I mixed them up. The one I'm making are better, though."You said. "Thank you for trying not to hurt my feelings, though."

"Guess I'll have to stay and try those ones now." He smiled and you rolled your eyes playfully.

Tony helped you clean the mess up in the kitchen, and just as you were finished, the cookies were done as well. You let Tony eat them in the living room. He kept complimenting your cooking skills and you shyly smiled at him before taking one cookie to try it.

Tony looked at you with adoration in his eyes. You felt his thumb wiping the corner of your lip. "You had chocolate there." He said, before he sucked the chocolate off his thumb, making fireworks explode in your belly.

However, before you had time to say anything, the ceiling collapsed in the hall and Tony quickly pulled you behind him before he pulled out his gun.

You heard the sound of footsteps and Tony pulled you to stand with him behind the door.

He peeked out into the hallway and then back at you.

"What's happening?" You whispered to him.

"It's the widows." He said and you gulped.

"How many?"

"Four." Tony said.

"Should we split?"

"No, you're gonna stay where I can see you and protect you." Tony said.

He checked the bullets in his gun before he took a look at the hall and started to fire. One girl fell dead and you took a deep breath before they all started to shoot at you and approach the living room.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐌 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now