Part Thirty

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Tony stopped the car in front of the house, the tires screeching as he abruptly stopped. He quickly left the car and gripped his gun in his hands. Bucky and Steve both followed after him. Having a look around the yard, he saw all of the guards were dead.

The doors were blown open, so he only stepped inside with his gun raised. He looked around and couldn't see anyone moving. The walls were covered in blood and the bodies belonging to his guards, Hydra soldiers or even widows.

As he approached the stairs, his heart was beating loudly in his chest. He could feel something was wrong.

Bucky and Steve stepped inside as well, splitting up to find anyone alive.

As Tony stepped on the stairs, they let out a loud creak. He stepped over the dead body, his gun still raised and ready to attack. Tony stopped when he reached your room and he pushed the door open with his foot, only to find the room in a chaos. Everything was on the floor and in a mess due to the multiple explosions.

He walked out of your room and then went to his own, finding it in the same state. Still, he didn't see you.

"Princess?" He called with a shaky voice. The house smelled like death and you not answering him made everything much worse for Tony.

"Found anything?" Steve asked, following Tony on the stairs.

"No. Go check on Hope and the team."Tony ordered and Steve listened to him, walking back down the stairs.

Tony went up to his office, ignoring everything around him. He pushed the door open and the first thing he saw were Maria's and Wanda's dead bodies. The tears made its way into his eyes and he walked inside the office to check if they really were dead.

His gaze fell on the dead man in a chair. He recognized him immediately and clenched his jaw. Then, he turned around and his whole world stopped.

He took a step towards you, stepping in your blood.

"Princess?" He called out, but got no answer. "Y- Y/N?" He said your name.

He kneeled in front of you and moved your hair behind. Besides the obvious bullet wounds on your stomach, you had blood around your mouth and on your neck. When he touched your face, pressing his palm against your cheek, he was met with your cold body.

"Princess?" Tony called again, lifting your head in his hands. "Princess? Wake up. It's me. It's Tony."A tear fell on top of your cheek, and rolled down your face. "Can you hear me?" He was shaking your body, trying to wake you up. But, nothing was happening."Wake up, please, Princess."He was now crying over your body, calling your name.

His hand dropped down to your neck to check on your pulse, but he found nothing. Not even a single beat of your heart. Still not wanting to admit it, he grabbed your wrist and tried to check it there. After he didn't find anything there, he lowered his head to your chest and let out a cry when he didn't hear anything.

He gripped your face again, "Don't leave me like this. You can't leave me like this." His hand carressed your face and he pulled your upper half into his lap. "This isn't over. Please wake up, Princess, I'm begging you."

Footsteps could be heard outside of the office and Bucky showed up on the door. His gaze fell on Tony clutching your dead body. His lips opened in a gasp as he looked around the room. Steve showed up behind him and Bucky stopped him before he could go further into the office, letting Tony say his goodbye to you.

"I love you so fucking much, baby. Do you hear me? I love you", he repeated, crying into your neck, "I didn't want to say it like this."

"Tony... "Steve said, stepping into the office even when Bucky told him not to.

"Leave!" Tony growled at him, clutching your body until he was stained in your blood.

"You need to let her go." Bucky said, gulping when he saw your face.

"I can't let her go."Tony said."I love her."

Steve nodded, fighting back his own tears. "I know. But she's in a better place now."

"I want her to be here! Why didn't they kill me instead? She had to die here all alone.."

Steve shook his head at Bucky, who stepped inside as well.

"Tony... "

"No, you won't take her!" Tony said, gripping onto you more.

Bucky walked around him to pry him off your body. "Let her go."

Tony buried his head in your neck, breathing in your scent. "I'm so sorry for everything, my love." He mumbled out, wetting your hair with his tears."I'll get revenge for you."

And he allowed Bucky to pry him off you, while Steve gently took hold of your body.

He saw the footage of what happened in the office before coming in there, and he carressed your hair. "I'm proud of you, doll."

He listened to Tony's sobs from the hallway as he fell from Bucky's arms and slid down on the floor against the door to his office.

Steve took one last look at you and put you back on the floor, allowing you to rest.



The sequel for this book is out and it's called "Vendetta"! Check it out if you want to <3

Much love <3

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