Part Twenty Seven

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"We're here!" Tony announced when you arrived to his house, making your jaw almost drop to the floor."This is my house."

"This is a mansion." You said while looking at the large, white mansion in front of you. It was on the beach, so you didn't need to walk very long and as Tony led you inside, you were met by a maid, who looked confused when she saw you were wet.

"Mr. Stark", she still put a smile on her face to greet Tony, " Miss Y/L/N. Welcome."

"Thank you." Tony said to her.

"I've prepared a room for you-"

"A room?" You interrupted her. "Like, one room?"

"Y-yeah." She said. "I'm sorry, but I figured you two are together so I had only one room prepared-"

"It's fine." Tony was the one to interrupt her this time.

She smiled at him. "Your bags are in your room."

"Thank you. You can go now." Tony said and the girl listened to him, hurrying out of the house.

Tony led you upstairs and to the first room on the right. You walked inside as he held the door open for you and were met with a large, luxurious bedroom, just like the rest of the house.

"We have to sleep together?" You asked Tony, who had a grin on his face.


You let out a sigh and grabbed your clothes from the bag, then turned to Tony. "I'm gonna shower."

"Bathroom's that way." Tony said, pointing to the door in the bedroon that connected it to the bathroom.

You walked inside and took your wet clothes off, before stepping inside the shower and turning the water on. You washed your hair first and when you were about to wash your body, Tony stepped inside.

You didn't notice him until you felt his hands wrap around your waist. You turned around, only to see him standing under the water. He was naked, just like you.

"What are you doing here?" You asked Tony.

"Well, I wanted to save time, 'cause we got dinner on the beach in few minutes."

"What?" You asked Tony.

"Don't panic, I picked out a dress for you."He said. "Now let's shower. Let me help you."

Tony squeezed out a shower gel on the loofah and you looked into his eyes as he focused on washing your body. You let out a gasp as he washed over your chest, and saw him smirk.

He washed the soap off with the water after he was done and you took the loofah before washing over his chest. Tony pulled you in for a kiss as you did it, his hands travelling down your body.

After you were done, Tony wrapped you in a towel before he grabbed one for himself. You went to dry your hair as Tony watched you.

"Can I do it?" He asked while wrapping the towel around his hips.


He was gentle with you as he dryed your hair. You felt his body pressing against you and you were getting even more wet than you already were. Until, you felt his hard on pressing against you.

You looked down at it, then back at Tony."You want me to do something about that?"

Tony smiled as he turned the dryer off and looked at you. "Don't worry about it. I wanna please you, though."

Before you could react, Tony picked you up and set you on the counter. He took the towel off your body and kneeled down on the floor before he spread your legs.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐌 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now