Part Eleven

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"Y/N, what are you doing?" Tony asked, trying to calm you down.

"You fucking kept it from me." You said, more tears making their way down your cheeks.

"Kept what, Princess?"

"Don't call me that! Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about!"You raised your voice, furiously wiping the tears off your face with the other hand. "I didn't want to kill you, I fucking fell for you. But, you leave me no choice."

"Stop, stop, we can talk about this."He said, his other hand reaching behind his back to take his gun.

"We fucking can't."You said. "You had your chance."

He saw you weren't acting normal anymore. Your eyes had a strange glow he could see even through your tears.

"Y/N, calm down!"

"I can't calm down!" You yelled, making him stop in his tracks. "If I don't kill you, he'll kill me."

"Who?" Tony stepped closer to you."Who will kill you?"

His eyes widened when you pressed your finger more against the trigger and before he could even process it, he raised his gun towards you and shot you into the shoulder.

You screamed out in pain at the burning feeling spreading through your whole arm and shoulder before the door slammed open and you were tackled to the ground, before you felt someone punching you with the gun in your head.

"What the fuck happened?" Steve asked, looking down at your unconscious body.

"She tried to kill me."Tony said.


"Take her down to the cell and let Carol find out who she works for."Tony said, his voice cold."And get someone to clean the blood off."

"Carol?" Steve looked at him. "A-are you sure you want Carol? She'll torture her. Can't I find out who she works for?"

"I know what I said." Tony growled, stepping over your unconscious body."Let Carol do the job."

Steve sighed before lifting you up in his arms.

You weren't sure how much time passed, but when you woke up it was in a dark room. As soon as the signal was back on, a male hand pressed on "TERMINATE" on the screen. Your bracelet flashed red and you, unwillingly, tried to lift your arm, but they were tied behind your back.

"So", a blonde woman said, stepping into the light so you could see her,"When were you planning on telling us you're a spy?"

"Let me go", you said, trying to get out of your restraints, but they were tied too tight.

You felt a harsh slap across your cheek, enraging you even more.

"Who do you work for?"She asked louder, grabbing onto your hair and pulling on it. You looked up at her, blood streaming down your face as well as down your shoulder, soaking the dress.

"I can't tell you."You groaned out.

"Who do you work for?" She repeated, louder, her finger pressing on the bullet hole on your shoulder, making you scream.

"I can't tell you, he'll kill me."

She punched you in the face again, making you cry out. The painful throbbing in your head reminded you of your orders and you tried to tug on the ropes once more, but they weren't budging.

You felt a cold metal pressed against you and you looked down to see Carol pressing the blade of her knife into your throat.

"Last chance." She offered, pressing the blade into your neck and drawing blood, which trailed down your neck and chest.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐌 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now