Part Fifteen

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You heard a knock on the door and you looked up from your phone as they opened and caught sight of a redheaded woman. You placed the phone back on bed as a grin spread out on your face.

"Hey, babe? Can I come in?" She asked.

"Duh." You said, sitting up in bed.

"How are you feeling?"She approached you to give you a tight hug. You closed your eyes, feeling the familiar warmness. Her hugs were always so loving.

"I'm good, how are you? God, I haven't seen you in years."

"Yeah, that's what the Red Room does to you." She parted from you and gave you a sad look. "I'm sorry."

"Relax." You gave her a small smile."I'm not gonna break if you mention them."

Natashe leaned back to get a better look at you. "You look better already."

"Right." You grinned. "I can breathe on my own and I think some of the bruises I had, healed."

The door slammed open and you both heard a male voice. "Alright, Princess, I-" Tony looked up from his phone and saw Natasha. His jaw clenched as he looked at her, and she wore the same expression on her face. "What's she doing in here?"

"She came to visit me." You spoke quickly before Natasha could insult him, resulting in Tony insulting her back and starting a fight you were knew of because of Wanda. She told you about the bickering between them while you were in the hospital.

"And who said she can come here?"Tony asked.

"I did." You said. "If you don't want her coming here, then I'm gonna leave too."

"Fine." Tony rolled his eyes and approached the bed. "She's gonna have to step out though, I need to check on your wounds."

"Hold on there, Dr. Meredith Grey, when did you become an expert in that?" You asked, moving out of Tony's reach when he tried to help you lay down.

Tony rolled his eyes, while Natasha chuckled. She got up and looked back at you. "Call me when he does it wrong." She pressed a kiss to your cheek, making Tony glare at her as she was leaving the room.

"Your nurse can't come in today."Tony said as the doors closed.

"So, instead of sending another one, they decided to let you play around?"

"I offered to do it." Tony said. "It can't be that hard."

You scoffed, "Like I'm gonna let you do it. Call someone else."



Tony raised an eyebrow at you. "She can't even change her own band aid, what makes you think she'd be successful in cleaning your wound?"

"Then call Maria in here."

"Out on a mission."

You rolled your eyes. "Nat."

"I don't trust her around you." Tony said. "Look, I could've been done already if you stopped asking questions."

You sighed, "I don't trust you."

"I won't hurt you, okay?" Tony asked, grabbing the box with medical supplies before placing it on the table."You just relax, I'm gonna wash my hands and be right back."

"Do I have a choice?"


You laid down on the bed while Tony washed his hands and came back inside the room. "You ready?"

"I guess." You sighed, watching as Tony put on the gloves.

"Lift up your shirt."

As soon as he said it, you got insecure. You saw how the wound looked and you didn't want Tony to look at it. He raised an eyebrow when you didn't do as he asked. "Lift up."

"It looks bad, you sure you want to look at it?" You asked.

"Sweetheart, I've been stitching up my own wounds and taking the bullets out of my body since I was sixteen."Tony said. "I'm gonna have you feeling reborn after I'm done with you."

You rolled your eyes and lifted up your shirt. "Alright, doctor." You said, making Tony tense up. "What?" You asked.

"You calling me doctor makes me feel like we're in some weird type of roleplay."

"Oh my God, Tony, I swear to God-"You trailed off when Tony carefully peeled off the gauze and took a look at the wound.

"It seems to heal nice. Pull your pants down a bit, too." You listened to him and pushed your pants a bit lower, while Tony turned around to grab what he needed to clean the wound with from the box.

When he turned around, he caught glimpse of a smaller cut on your lower stomach, and it confused him. "What's that one? Do I need to clean that as well?"

"No, I got that one before." You said.

"Where? How did it get there?"

"In the Red Room. They took out my reproductive organs. Why do you think I had no periods while I was here?" You hissed as you were met with the cold feeling when Tony started to clean the wound.

"I don't know, I thought maybe it's the stress?"

"I don't have an uterus." You chuckled."At least I don't have to cope with painful periods."

"You're serious?" Tony looked up at you, stopping all his movement."That's what they did to you?"

"Yes. Dreykov can't have us be loyal to anyone except from him."

You saw Tony's jaw clench. He couldn't believe what Dreykov did to you and how he was treating you.

Tony carefully applied the new gauze and secured it over your stomach, then took off his gloves while you pulled up your pants.

"You want me to put cream on your bruises?" He finally said.

"Only on my back, I got the rest."You said.

"Alright, you can sit up or lay down, whatever you're comfortable with."

"I'll sit up." You said, accepting Tony's hand and he carefully pulled you up to sit. You sat on the bed and Tony sat behind you, pulling your shirt up. He winced when he saw the bruises on your back. He took some cream onto his hand and began gently massaging it into your skin. He noticed you wincing in pain. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just don't press that much on them."

"Oh, I'm sorry." He told you and you nodded your head before letting him continue. "I'll, uh..." He pointed to where your bra was clasped on your back and the bruises under it.

You reached behind and unclasped it, holding onto the front of your shirt, as to not accidentally flash Tony. He noticed it and smirked behind your back as he massaged the cream into your back.

You relaxed, noticing he was getting better at the massage and you were close to falling asleep.

"All done!" He said and moved away.

You reached behind again to put your bra back in place.

"Let me help you." Tony said and put your bra back in place, making your breathing stop. "There you go."

"Thank you." You said as you turned around and put the shirt back down.

"It's my fault you got them in first place." He said and smiled at you, before helping you lay back down on bed. You yawned and Tony smiled while he looked at you.

He placed a kiss on your forehead."Get some sleep now, sweetheart."

He got up and packed up the box before he left the room, turning the light off and closing the door.

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