Part Sixteen

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A few days later, you could already move around the house and go out of your room. The only people you saw, though, were Tony, Natasha, Wanda and Maria, and Steve, but only sometimes.

That day, you walked down the stairs and caught glimpse of Carol walking away and you felt your whole body freeze just as you were about to come down the last stair.

You didn't know how much time you just stood there, frozen in place, but you jumped up when a hand touched your shoulder. You turned your head, only to see Wanda smiling at you.

"Hey. Why are you standing there?"She asked.

You shook your head and put on a convincing smile on your face."Nothing. What's up with you?"

"I finished my job for the day, so I was going to go relax in my room." Wanda said. "But I ran into you now. Wanna go relax at the garden? Tony had a swing placed there."

"Sure." You smiled at her.

"You need help walking?" Wanda asked and offered her hand to help.

"I'm good, I got it." You told her. Wanda understood and let you walk on your own.

You spent a lot of time with Wanda there. The fresh air was good for you and you talked about various topics, even gossiping a bit.

You saw Tony's car park in front of the house and you turned your head to watch him as he came out of the car and loosened his tie.

You couldn't hear Wanda's voice anymore as you watched him.

Wanda's fingers snapped in front of your eyes. "Girl, are you listening to me?"

"Sorry, Wanda." You gripped onto the sides of the swing as you got up."I need to ask Tony something."

Wanda rolled her eyes before yawning."Just don't be too loud when you have sex, I need to sleep."

You gave her a weird look before you followed Tony inside the house. You walked up the stairs and were thinking of going to his office, when you saw Steve getting down the stairs, no doubt just leaving Tony's office.

"Steve." You said as you rushed over to him.

He grinned when he saw you. "Hey. How are you feeling?"

"I'm good, thanks." You said, placing your hands in your back pockets as you spoke to Steve. "Is Tony upstairs?"

"I think he went to his room." Steve said.

"Okay, thanks."

"I need to go now, though. See you later." He said and you offered him a smile before he walked away. You looked down the hallway and rushed towards Tony's room.

You knocked on the door and you heard Tony saying to come in.

You opened the door and stepped inside, only to see Tony's upper half of the body naked. Thinking he was fully naked, you placed a hand over your eyes and closed them. "Shit." You whispered to yourself. "Sorry."

You heard Tony chuckle and you opened your eyes to look at him through your fingers. "Hey there, beautiful." He said and winked at you.

You realized he still had his pants on and put your hand down. You couldn't help the way your eyes moved down to his chest. You saw several tattoos on it and bit your lip. "Your tattoos look nice." You said and immediately bit your tongue. You did think they looked nice and added even more to the dark aura surrounding him.

"Thank you." He poked his inner cheek with his tongue as he looked you up and down. You were wearing jeans and Tony was worried they were pressing into the wound that was healing on your stomach. "Did you come here to look at them?"

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐌 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now