Part Three

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As the cars pulled up in front of a house, you looked out the window and were surprised. The numerous cars were pulling up in front of a white mansion that looked big enough to fit a village. The doors opened for you and Tony walked out first, then turned back and offered you a hand.

You hesitantly took it and walked out after him, being careful where you stepped. As soon as you exited the car, Tony was approached by a man dressed in black. "Sir, Mr. Rogers is waiting for you in your office." He said and Tony nodded.

He turned to you and offered you a smile. "I hope you don't mind, but I have to leave you now. Hope is going to show you to your room." He said and you nodded your head. They left and Hope turned to you.

"Let's go." She said and you walked inside after her. Your lips parted when you entered the mansion and saw a long hallway with a huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

Hope smiled and pointed at the chandelier. "That was made for Mr. Stark by his order. The only one in the world. It has a lot of crystals and it's quite heavy. I'm sure if it fell on someone, they'd end up getting crushed to death."She saw your look and laughed. "Don't worry, the odds of that happening are small." Her face then turned serious. "But never zero."

"Hope, stop scaring the new girl!" You heard a deep voice say and soon, a tall, muscular figure of a man appeared in front of you. The man had a short, brown hair and blue eyes. You saw his neck and the top of his chest that peeked out of the button up shirt he was wearing, were covered in tattoos.

"Barnes." Hope rolled her eyes.

"Play nice, Hope, I'm only here for a few minutes. Steve had something to discuss with Tony." He said with a smile.

"Good. I don't want to see you in the east wing again. The last time you snooped around there, you caused a blackout over the whole property and my research went to shit."

"Look, I'm bad with technology, I admit it. But you guys have a lot of wires there, how was I supposed to know if I pulled on that tiny one it would cause a blackout?"

"Well, you don't go snooping around there!"

"It wasn't my fault, Tony sent me there!"The man argued back. "Not even a full minute with you and you already bored me to death." His blue, piercing eyes fell on you and he smirked. "And who are you, doll?"

Hope put out a hand in front of you when the man lent his hand out, wanting to shake your own. You stepped back and Hope glared at him."She's off limits."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Hold on, is she the new Russian?" He asked and looked at you. "What's your name, doll?"

"Y/N." Your shaky voice said.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I'm James Barnes, but you can call me Bucky." He said and you nodded your head.

"All right, we need to get going now."Hope said and pulled you towards a large staircase. When you stepped on the stairs, she mumbled out something about James and you looked at her.

"Who is he?"

"He's one of Mr. Stark's partners. You'll meet a lot of them while you stay here. His friend is Rogers, he's Mr. Stark's right hand. Rogers is the nicer one."She said and you looked at the hallway you found yourself in.

"Are there any girls here?" You asked.

"Yep. There's obviously me, but there are also Carol, you'll meet her later, Maria and Wanda. Carol and Wanda live here, too, and Maria's here only sometimes. She works for... on second thought, you'll find out if Mr. Stark decides to tell you who we work for."

"Isn't he the boss?"

"He is." Hope nodded. "It's complicated, though. To conclude the girls talk, maybe you'll have a chance to meet Gamora and Nebula, too. And Brunnhilde comes over sometimes, too. I think that's it. Oh, and the girl that's going to take care of you is waiting in your room."

She stopped in front of a large white door. She pushed them open and let you walk inside first. You did, being careful over your surroundings. You walked inside the room, being met with your new bedroom Tony had his maids decorate for you.

It wasn't until she smiled at you that you noticed the girl in your room.

She had a large smile on her face as she looked at you. "Miss Y/N, we've been expecting you." She said.

"I have to leave you now, Y/N. Don't worry, you're in good hands." Hope assured you and nodded at the girl before she left you alone with her.

The doors closed and you turned to look at the unknown girl.

"My name is Alice and I'm here to help you in any way you need."She said. "Mr. Stark had let us know about you and we prepared you a room. Also, your closet is filled with your new clothes we bought. Mr. Stark had let us know about your size, too. I've prepared a bath for you, you can go inside whenever you like."

You nodded your head and looked around the room.

"Where's the east wing?"

"Oh, that's where Miss Hope is. It's the tech wing. It's where Mr. Stark has... well, people who are the best at technology. You can't go there, though. There are security protocols and you'll need a badge."

"Oh." You said. "How was... uh, Bucky able to go there?"

"Only Mr. Stark's inner circle is allowed to go inside the tech wing, as well as the west wing of the house. I'd be glad to tell you about it, but your bath is getting cold, Miss. Do you want to take a bath first?"

You nodded and let Alice lead you to the bathroom connected to your room.

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