Part Twenty Nine

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"What happened?" Maria stood up from her chair, rushing towards you.

You placed a finger over her lips and gestured outside. Maria looked out the window at where you were pointing and her eyes widened. She pulled her gun out and you both heard the explosion coming from downstairs.

Hope looked at the ceiling, after the whole room stopped shaking from the intensity of the explosion.

"What was that?" She looked at Scott and Bruce, who stood behind her.

"N-no, this is not happening." Bruce started to stutter, making Hope stand up from her chair.

"Calm down. They can't find us here."She said, trying to convince the rest of the team, as well as herself in those words.

"Should I contact Tony?" Scott moved to grab his phone and sit down behind the computer, when Hope stopped him.

"No! Anything can reveal our position to them now. We won't do anything."

"Maybe", Bruce gulped, "Maybe we should destroy the files."

"No." Hope immediately said. "We can't."

"Then you need to get them to Fury."Scott said and as much as Hope wanted to say no, she knew that was the best option. She wasn't the one to leave her team behind, but now she needed to.

"Let's do it." Hope said, sitting down behind the computer and starting to type, transfering the files on a disk and destroying them off the database.

You and Maria were still in the office. You were about to leave when Wanda rushed inside the office and closed the door. The guards stood outside of the office with guns raised towards the stairs.

"They're attacking us." Wanda said, out of breath.

You opened one of Tony's drawers and took a gun. Wanda looked towards you, shaking her head. "No, you have to stay in this room."

You heard the sounds of shooting coming from outside the office and you three shared looks.

"I can't stay in here." You said and that's when the door slammed open and a guard fell to the ground, dead. You looked out the door and saw the floor covered in blood and dead guards.

Maria was the first one to stand at the door and she shot a widow in the head. Wanda followed, while they gestured at you to stay behind. You hid in the office, looking at what was happening. That's when your eyes fell on Tony's whiskey.

It felt like the world stopped after Maria was shot in the chest, and she fell immediately.

"Maria.. " You whispered out. Hydra and the widows were now focused on the office and trying to get to Tony's informations.

Maria's blood covered the floor and she took her last breath before her body went limp.

Wanda managed to shoot most of them, leaving only five of them alive.

She turned towards you to gesture at you to stay inside before she turned back around and that's when you heard the sound of a gun and Wanda was shot in her stomach.

You gripped your gun and waited until they stepped inside the office before you started to shoot. You managed to shoot two of them, until more of them showed up. They looked at you as you pointed the gun at them.

"Tell us where Stark keeps the documents and you'll live."One of them said. "Dreykov wants you alive."

"Over my dead body." Your fingers moved over the trigger and you shot the one that said it in the head.

The breath was knocked out of you as you heard the sound of shooting and you felt the pain spreading through your body. You looked down, only to see three blood stains on your stomach, which were slowly getting bigger. You fell on your knees, gasping for breath.

You were still conscious, and even though your sight was getting blurry, you saw Sergey step inside the room, wearing a bulletproof vest.

He tsked when he saw your body and the blood pooling around you."Shame. I wanted to keep you for my private collection."

Your hand clutched the bullet wounds as you looked at him. "Go to hell." You managed to say.

"Looks like you'll be the first to go there. You'll suffer before that, though. I don't want to just kill you, I want you to slowly suffer while you're dying."Sergey chuckled before he ordered his men to bring the boy, who immediately sat behind Tony's desk and started to type, trying to find the evidence.

Meanwhile, he walked around to the other table and poured himself a glass of Tony's whiskey. You managed to sit up against the door, more blood pouring out of you as you did it.

He looked over at you and found you watching his every move. Suddenly, he felt as if his throat was burning and the fire pooling in his stomach. His face got red and he couldn't take a single breath without feeling like someone was cutting him from inside.

"What did you do?"He whispered out and you smiled, feeling the blood in your throat. None of his men could help him now.

"It's called poison." You smirked."Looks like we'll both be in hell together."

He had enough energy to walk towards you and slap you across the face. Your grin only got bigger."I will find it. And then I'll find his hackers. I know he has them."

Just then, you heard your phone ring and one of his men held the phone up towards you, Hope's name flashing on the screen.

"Take the phone. Trace the call." He ordered with his last breath. A man came up to him, grabbing him under his arms and placing him to sit on the chair in front of Tony's desk.

"We got it! I know exactly where it is!"The boy said. Your shaky hands reached for your gun that was laid on the floor next to you. Before he had a chance to speak, a gunshot rang out through the air and he fell back against the chair, a bullet wound in the middle of his forehead.

They turned to look at you and pointed the guns at you, one knocking the gun out of your hand.

"Leave her! You got the location, go find them!" Sergey stuttered out, before he bent over in pain, throwing up blood.

The remaining soldiers grabbed the device off the desk and rushed out of the room.

Just as Hope was done with transferring the files, a sound of another explosion rang out through the air and they heard footsteps above them.

"They found us." Scott realized before he turned to Hope. "Go! You have to get the files to Fury."

"I can't leave you!" She cried out as the doors just outside of their room were forced open with an explosion.

"You have to go!" Scott said, grabbing a gun.

Hope's tears fell down her cheeks and she was rushing out of the room on the other exit, just as the doors were blown open and she heard the shooting begin.

Just as she opened the door, she came face to face with a Hydra soldier. She had no weapon to defend herself and she knew what was waiting for her as soon as his gaze dropped down to the black disk in her hand. She was shot in her chest, and he grabbed the disk out of her hand.

Hope managed to get one last look at everyone around the room. The whole team of more than twenty people, including Bruce and Scott, were dead.

"We found it." The soldier announced."Let's deliver it to the boss."

You were sure Sergey was dead. He was laid motionless in the chair for some time now. Not being able to breathe anymore, your body was now laid down on the floor.

You coughed out blood on the floor, some of it trailing down your cheek and on your neck.

Your eyesight now got blurry. You took one last look at all the dead bodies around you, including Wanda and Maria before you took your last breath and your body went limp, as you closed your eyes.

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