Part Twelve

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"Do you know where they are right now?" Natasha asked Tony.

"I-" He went to grab his phone when Natasha pointed the gun at him again."I'm just going to take my phone. Relax."

Natasha watched him closely as he took the phone and typed in something, then turned the phone towards her. Natasha could see a map open on his phone and a red, blinking dot on it.

"I put a tracker in her neck." Tony said. "It shows they're still in this old warehouse."

"That can't be right." Natasha said, taking the phone from Tony to get a closer look.

"It's my technology, it's one of the best-"

"This is not the Red Room." Natasha interrupted him.

"How do you know?"

"Because nobody knows its location. I know he sedates the Widows when they're going in, or out of the Red Room. This is just some old warehouse. And if she's still there, she's probably dead. "Natasha watched as all color drained from Tony's face.

"She can't be... " Tony stuttered out.

"We need to get going. Now."

That was how Natasha found herself sitting next to Tony in the jeep while they were driving to the warehouse where Tony left you. Tony glanced in the mirror, seeing three more cars following him.

"He makes me sick. And that's something coming from me." Tony said when Natasha finished the story of what Dreykov did to his Widows."How did you escape?"

"I had help of a friend." Natasha glanced out of the window.

Tony only then noticed the mark on Natasha's suit and his eyes widened, before he looked back to the road."You work for Fury."

"Yes. I know you work for him, as well." Natasha said.

Tony scoffed, "Well, not for him. He's not my boss."

"Right." Natasha rolled her eyes."You're your own boss."

"Exactly." Tony said.

The rest of the ride went by in both, Natasha and Tony worrying about you. As soon as he stopped the car in front of the warehouse, he rushed out of it, pulling out his gun.

"I told you this was a bad idea."Wanda said, taking her place next to Tony, who shook his head.

"You did." Tony admitted.

"She likes you, I saw it. And you like her, too." Wanda whispered to Tony, who avoided her gaze.

"Can we leave that talk for later?"Bucky asked, standing next to them.

"Let's go."

They approached the warehouse quietly, guns raised in case Dreykov or the Widows were there. As soon as they entered it, they spread out around the warehouse, looking for you.

Tony stayed on the first floor, looking around. He put his gun back in place and rubbed his hand over his face, breathing out.

"Clear."Wanda's voice came from a room on the second floor.

"Clear." He heard Bucky say as well.

"Did you find her?" Natasha asked, appearing behind Tony.

Tony shook his head and went to say no, when he caught sight of blood. He pushed Natasha aside and followed the trail of blood. "This looks fresh."

Natasha pulled out her gun and followed Tony.

"Fuck." He let out when he saw your body in a pool of your own blood. He rushed towards you, falling on his knees next to you and gently turned you around to face him.

"Is she breathing?" Natasha asked, kneeling next to you.

You were unconscious, and he saw more bruises on your face than he remembered. He saw the blue hand print on your neck and his jaw clenched in anger.

"Where is all this blood coming from?" Tony asked Natasha, who gulped as she looked at your abdomen. Tony followed her gaze to your abdomen, only to see it cut open.

Natasha went to check your pulse and looked back at Tony. "It's weak. We need to get her to the hospital."

"No, I can't have her go in any hospitals here. I don't trust them."Tony said and picked you up in his arms.

Natasha rushed after Tony to stop him."Tony, she doesn't have time. She needs to get a surgery."

Tony sighed and rushed out of the warehouse. Natasha opened the door of the car for him and he carefully placed you in the back seat, not caring your blood drenched the seats.

Natasha got in from the other side and placed your head in her lap and went to check your pulse again. "It's barely there."

Tony was speeding down the streets of the city to the nearest hospital. He kept glancing to the back seat in the mirror and his gaze fell on your bruised body. You weren't waking up. Natasha was pressing down on your abdomen, but the blood still kept pouring out of your body. He gripped the wheel in his hands, his knuckles turning white in the process, and he pressed the gas pedal to the floor.

Tony wasn't a religious man. He never was and, probably, never will be. But, at the moment, he was praying to God to keep you alive.

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