Part Nine

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Alice was done with dressing you up and you walked up the stairs to Tony's office, where you heard him talking to someone.

"Yes, Hope." You heard him say. "And delete the footage... Actually, send me one copy and delete everything else."

You stepped closer to the door and peeked inside. Tony was standing by the window, his back turned towards you as he had his phone pressed to his ear, while his other hand was in his pocket. You knocked on the door and he turned towards you. You shot him a smile and he clenched his jaw as he walked over to his desk.

"I don't care. Find a way. I gotta go now." He ended the call and threw the phone on the table before he walked towards you. His entire mood changed and now he was smiling at you. "Hello there, Princess. Let me look at you."

He saw you hiding your gaze from him and he stepped closer to you. He placed his hand against your cheek and made you look up at him. "Look at me."

You looked at him, your gaze meeting his. His eyes dropped down to look over the outfit you were wearing - a summer white dress and white high heels. Even in high heels, you still had to look up at Tony's taller figure.

"You look beautiful." Tony muttered to you.

"Thank you." You smiled at him.

"Let's go." He placed his hand on your lower back and led you out of his office and down the stairs.

"Who else is coming?" You asked.

"No one. It's just you and me... well, my guards will be following us, but you won't even be able to see them. So basically, it's just the two of us today."

As much as you liked that fact, you were equally scared.

Before you knew it, Tony led you out of the house and in front of the house, where Tony's Bentley was waiting for the two of you.

Tony walked down the stairs first and opened the door to the car for you. You sat down, your heart fluttering at how nice he was being towards you.

The ride went by in you and Tony making small talk until he eventually parked in front of a store.

He opened the door for you again and lent you his hand, which you accepted and exited the car. You felt like you were in a movie. Tony was treating you like a literal princess - he even called you by that name.

"Hold on", he said, grabbing your arm and moving you until he was walking on the side of the pavement closer to the traffic.

You were holding onto his upper arm as you were walking.

Tony opened the door of one store for you and you were the first to walk inside.

Instantly, you were met with a nice woman who looked like she knew who Tony was. She greeted him, before Tony placed a hand on your lower back and looked at you.

"This is Y/N." He said. "I want you to help her find clothes for herself."

"You're in the right place, Mr. Stark."She said and looked over at you. "We got whatever the Miss wants. I can go and show her, while my assistant brings you a glass of champagne, perhaps?"

"Whiskey, neat." Tony said and went to sit on the chair. He turned towards you and called out your name. "I want you to buy anything you like in here. Don't you dare buy just one thing."

You nodded your head and walked away.

You and the woman, whose name you still didn't know, spent a lot of time on choosing the different clothes for you to try on and now, you were in the changing cabin. You were trying out one of the various dresses she chose for you while Tony was waiting outside.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐌 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now