Heroes in Time of War

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May 4th, 2013

"My name is Dooku of the nation Serenno/Denmark and I'm speaking out against the corruption within the United Republic. Our world was forever changed by the terrorist organization Hydra and its leader the Red Skull. I proudly served the Jedi Order at that time as a young man alongside my former apprentice Qui Gonn Jinn. His murder at the hands of a cloaked assassin hurt me deeply.

Therefore I left the Jedi Order and reclaimed my birthright as the head of the House of Dooku. Using my family's vast fortune I sought to help the less fortunate all over the planet. In my travels I realized how corrupt the planet became due to the influence of the United Republic. Shield are the United Republic's lackeys and the Avengers are their pawns. Shield cannot be trusted and aren't held accountable by the United Republic.

They keep secrets from the people and use weak justifications for this behavior to maintain power. They're no different than Hydra the organization that plagued the world nearly a century ago that my former apprentice and I risked our lives to defeat all those years ago.
By calling the movement I represent a pejorative such as Separatist even the media is culpable in the corruption inside the government. We aren't Seperatist but freedom fighters seeking to fight for the poor, the non human, and non conforming galactic humans.

We are the Confederacy of Independent Nations and we want to be free to govern our respective territories in a transparent, fair and just manner as we see fit not the way the United Republic does. Using Loki's attack on New York City last year to make the public fear us will not deter our dream of making sure our citizens have justice and freedom. We will use whatever military measure to prevent the United Republic from destroying our movement."


And there you have it. Former Jedi Master Dooku is now known as Count Dooku and is leading the Confederacy of Independent Nations as Chancellor. Dooku has formed an arrangement with rogue former members of the Trade Federation to build a droid army to fight a large scale war against the United Republic and its allies. The Jedi despite a lack of formal military experience are tasked via an agreement with Shield to lead an army of clones based on bounty hunter Jango Fett to combat the Seperatist droid army.

Meanwhile Dooku operates secretly as Sith Lord Darth Tyranus who is the apprentice to Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Tyranus has an assassin who is a former Jedi and is now a student of the Dark Side of the Force. In response to this secret development Nick Fury, Grandmaster Yoda, and Master of the Jedi Council: Jedi Master Mace Windu task recently ressurrected Shield Agent Phillip J Coulson in forming a joint task force of elite Shield Agents and elite Jedi to find and stop Dooku's secret plans and schemes in order to bring a swift end to the Clone Wars. A lot of responsibility rests on the shoulders of this newly formed team.

Skye sat in her van across a comic book store and watched construction worker Mike Peterson and his son Ace. She smiled as the young boy admired all the action figures of the superhero team the Avengers on a display inside the store window. Ace stared in awe at Captain America, Iron Man, Thor and the Incredible Hulk. Skye wondered why Black Widow and Hawkeye weren't included in the display. Skye shook her head in disgust. It was just like Shield to fly under the radar. To act like their secretive way of operating wasn't tyrannical and destructive.

Skye knew it was only a matter of time before someone as connected and influential as Count Dooku would challenge Shield. The fact that he used to be a Jedi made it more obvious to Skye that Shield was secretly using the Jedi as a clandenstine army to protect secrets and weapons. Skye's investigation into Shield also exposed their operations that focused on targeting innocent men like Mike. Skye concluded Shield's goal was to kidnap him and use his gifts to fight in the Clone Wars against Dooku's forces. They didn't care about his son and they definitely didn't care about keeping the truth from the public.

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