Storm Over Ryloth

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"Ahsoka you're in trouble. You're too rash just like your teacher Anakin. I should be running this operation because we are wasting time." Agent Hand complained

"This isn't your place to talk to Ahsoka like that it's Anakin's." May said with disapproval

"Garrett is using the battle and this blockade around Ryloth to further Project Centipede. Coulson just communicated with us that even though Garrett lost his base of operations he has the means to create more GH325. The Jedi are going to have their hands full if the Seperatist get supersoilders." Agent Hand argued

"That doesn't give you an excuse to talk to my padawan like that. I should order you off the bridge of my ship for you selling Master Kenobi and I to pirates." Anakin said as he entered the bridge

"I was trying to preserve my cover as the Clairvoyant. Dooku hadn't met the real Clairvoyant in person so there was an opportunity to get close enough to stop him. If it meant sacrificing two Jedi out of the thousands of Jedi that are in this war than so be it." Agent Hand replied dismissively

"That's not your call to make Hand. It's Director Fury's and Master Yoda's. You can't just unilaterally make these decisions and act like it's ok. We are a team and we need each other. We can't do this alone." May challenged

"She's right. Ahsoka you need to remember to work with others and not rush off and do things your own way. Don't act like Agent Hand and risk the lives of those you command like their worthless chess pieces." Anakin warned

Hand scoffed and shook her head while May continued to glare at Hand.

"I thought I could knock out those battleships so when Master Obi-Wan arrived, he could get through. It took so long for Agent Hand, May and I to get to your airship I wanted to make up for lost time. We lost Agent Triplett and so many others. I was trying to save lives by ordering our troops to move quickly." Ahsoka explained

"I know you meant well, Snips, but there's a bigger picture that you're not aware of. You need to think before you issue commands. A good leader and a good strategist considers all their options and values their subordinates." Anakin said to Ahsoka gently

"I understand Sky Guy." Ahsoka groaned

"What's with the attitude Ahsoka. He's your SO. Show him some respect." Agent Hand demanded

"What would you know about being an SO Victoria? You haven't had that role in your entire career at Shield." Agent May questioned

"This is Phil Coulson with an urgent message. Agent Hand has been operating as Agent Ward's secret SO. She trained him to be an unauthorized triple Agent within Shield with Agent Garrett as his official SO. Due to Hand's influence Ward has kidnapped Agent Skye, Agent Fitz and Agent Simmons and murdered FitzSimmons and countless other Agents to preserve his cover as a triple Agent. Ward and Hand need to be detained immediately for questioning." Coulson announced over the Star Destroyer's loudspeaker system

"I'm being arrested but not Agent May? All Shield Agents are wanted for questioning by the United Republic." Hand complained while raising her hands in surrender

"Agent May puts her life on the line for those under her command. Therefore as the ranking authority on this Star Destroyer she and the rest of Coulson's team are officially under amnesty. You on the other hand, ha, ha, ha are a suspect in an investigation on the Separatist. You're lucky I don't kill you where you stand. FitzSimmons death is on your hands. Captain Rex take this suspect to the brig." Anakin ordered

Hand scowled as Captain Rex and his fellow Clones Echo and Fives arrested Hand and took her to the brig.

"Thank you for having my back Anakin." May said

Agents of The Clone Wars (Book 1): The Clairvoyant Conspiracy Where stories live. Discover now