Branching Stories

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April, 9th, 2000

Anakin and Skye chased each other around one of the Jedi Temple courtyards. They startled the old librarian of the Jedi Archives Jocasta Nu. She dropped a stack of data pads and used the Force to lift them from the ground back into her arms. She scolded the pair of younglings but Anakin and Skye were laughing to loud to hear her.

They kept running accidentally knocking over R2D2 who beeped loudly in annoyance. Skye attempted to use the Force to leap over Anakin to tag him but Anakin tapped into the Force to detect her acrobatic move and react to it quickly. Anakin stopped and Skye failed to tag him landing sprawled on the ground. Other younglings laughed as Skye struggled to get to her feet.

"Leave her alone!" Anakin yelled glaring at the group of younglings

One of them a black girl with short hair apologized and the rest followed with apologies of their own.

"Thanks Anakin. I'm glad you have my back." Skye said

"I know what it's like to be different, to be the new person. But you had it worse than me. I still have my mom and when I become a Jedi Master I'm going to free her from slavery. But I also want to use my power as a master to help you find your parents Skye."

"Thanks Ani." Skye said kissing Anakin on the cheek

"Hey that's weird." Anakin said

"I'm sorry I just wanted to thank you for being so nice to me all year. If it wasn't for you and Master Yoda I'd be stuck in that orphanage on DC Coruscant." Skye explained sadly

"Oh I'm sorry Skye I didn't realize it was that bad in the orphanage. Well then if I help you find your parents you can kiss me on the lips." Anakin said with laughter

"I thought you said a kiss on the cheek was gross but you're saying a kiss on the lips is ok?" Skye asked

"We can't be boyfriend and girlfriend Skye. Jedi can't form attachments but we can definitely kiss if it's to thank one another when we're older."

"Ok. How long do I have wait for you to become a Master? I mean how old is Master Yoda anyway, he's a Jedi Master?" Skye asked

Anakin frowned struggling to formulate an answer.

"Who knows? He's so old he makes Master Dooku look young." Anakin finally replied

"I heard Master Dooku fought in World War II with Captain America. That must have been like 250 years ago. You really want me to wait that long to give you a kiss?" Skye asked incredulous

"Well Master Yoda said I'm the Chosen One. Destined to defeat the Sith and bring balance to the Force. So that means I can become a Master faster than anyone else. I'll be a Jedi Master in no time."

"That makes sense. You're really talented Anakin. Aren't you going to start your lightsaber trials next year?" Skye asked

"Yep. Me and Ayla are actually going to start our trials around the same time. I can't wait to become a Padawans and no longer be a younglings." Anakin said excited

"So that means I have one more year before we have to say goodbye." Skye replied

"Oh that's right. I'm sorry Skye. I didn't mean to make it sound like I'll leave you behind. I'll definitely visit you every week. I promise." Anakin said hastily

"Thanks Ani. I really wish I had a lightsaber right now. One day we'll be Jedi together and I can help protect your mom and you can help find my parents." Skye said with a smile

In her excitement Skye started moving her arms as if she was swinging a lighgsaber making humming noises similar to how a real lightsaber swords when swung around by its owner. Anakin joined her and the two began to have a mock lightsaber duel. The duel quickly devolved into another chase but this time into the corridors of the Jedi Temple. Skye bumped into a tall man with an eyepatch who looked identical to Master Mace Windu. Skye startled by the resemblance the eyepatch man had to Windu hid behind Anakin.

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