I'm not a Monster

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Raina managed to trick a Seperatist droid to expose themselves to a group of Clones. The Clones chased after it shooting at the droids legs for sport. Raina's instincts were correct. This group of Clones lacked experienced and rank. This was probably the largest battle they've personally fought. This chasing after a single droid was how they processed their stress and grief. Their foolish act left the nearby shuttle unguarded. She attempted to sneak onboard but a man grabbed her.

"You think you can just steal the Gravitonium and walk away." Ward threatened

"It doesn't belong to Garrett and it doesn't belong to you either." Raina protested

"What did you do to Garrett? Ever since you injected him with that drug he's been psychotic. Now he's dead and I don't even know what to do now. My orders were to be a mole under his command to bring down him, his entire operation and cripple the Separatist military. I accomplished none of those things and I lost the one person who brought me into Shield...Victoria Hand. Because of you I'm lost with no purpose! Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now!" Ward screamed

"You're not lost. You're free. Garrett wasn't meant for this life because he wasn't meant for what's next. There's an evolution coming. A birth of unique individuals with special gifts more special than the Avengers or the Jedi. Garrett saw it but he wasn't meant to participate. This entire Clone War is a smoke screen...a facade from what the Force is trying to reveal. The Jedi are too stubborn and too blind to see it." Raina explained

Ward started laughing, "Don't tell me you're buying into that jibberish about the Force."

"You trained Skye and taught her what it takes to be a Shield Agent. Well sort of. Before Shield Skye was in the Jedi Order and she had a unique connection to the Force. I know because I was once apart of the Jedi Order. Skye and I have the potential to become something more. Something greater than if we remained members of the Jedi Order. Her father knows more and I was going to convince Garrett to allow me to take Skye to her father instead of Count Dooku to reveal the hidden truth about the Clone Wars being a falsehood."

"That doesn't make sense. You work for Count Dooku and he leads the Seperatist government and is commanding his leuitenants of the Separatist military to participate in the Clone Wars." Ward argued

"A means to an end. My true employer is Skye's father and he wants Skye back. Shield took her from him as soon as they learned Skye's father made a deal with Dooku to get her back from the Jedi Order. Shield found out about it and convinced Master Yoda to erase her memories and move her across different orphanages to hide Skye from him." Raina said

"So what? You want me to pretend to be loyal to Dooku along side you? To get Skye to her father? How am I supposed to do that? She detests me and thinks I'm a monster. But I'm not a monster and I'm done doing things that make me a monster." Ward said gritting his teeth in anger

Raina laughed, "Of course you're not a monster. You behaved like one because Agent Hand taught you to to do that. But you have to realize Skye is being molded by Coulson to be someone she's not. The only way Skye discovers her true self is if you bring her to her father. That's your purpose. Skye needs to fulfill her destiny to make the world a better place and you'll play a big part in that. In a better world you two could be a couple again."

Ward had a conflicted look on his face while Raina had a devilish grin.

"Come on Ward. We need to escape Ryloth before those heartbroken Clones show up again. Mistress Ventress is going to meet us at Brazil/Felucia for our next assignment. Someone with your piloting skills should get us there in half the time."

Agents of The Clone Wars (Book 1): The Clairvoyant Conspiracy Where stories live. Discover now