The Maximoff Twins

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Author's Note

Another scene of the Malevolence Arc from Star Wars: The Clones Wars focused on Ahsoka Tano's father figure Jedi Master Plo Koon is depicted in the video above.

Plo Koon and the 2 remaining Clone soldiers and 1 Clone officer managed to use their limited oxygen supply to give a propulsion boost to their escape pod. Plo Koon decided on this course of action due to a series of Octopus like droids called Hunters. The bulb shaped droids had wimmm six tentacles made out of the rare and powerful metal Doonium that sprouted from its bulb core in all directions. These tentacles ripped open the window of nearby escape pods which caused the pressurized air to exit the pod ejecting its inhabitants into the vacuum of space.
Plo Koon and his men stared helplessly as their comrades fell victim to the Hunters.

Any Clones that managed to survive in their armor outside the escape pod were shot to death by B1 Battle Droids utilizing jetpacks to fly. Plo Koon sadly admitted that this was a clever plan by the Seperatist army because their forces mostly being droids could survive the vacuum of space. This thought gave Plo Koon his idea because his species the Kel Doran's had thick leathery skin that allowed them to survive outer space without special suits. Plo Koon exited his escape pod and ordered his 2 armored Clone subordinates to follow.
He then told Commander Wolfe to tamper with the control panel inside the the pod to lower the air pressure.

This resulted in a massive propulsion boost that allowed the pod to fly at low speeds further into the debris field. With the propulsion boost their pod traveled a far distance allowing them to avoid an attack from the Hunters. Plo Koon tapped into the Force and felt a slight disturbance. It was too small for him to be certain if it was a rescue airship or a Hunter Droid. Plo Koon could sense a tiny flicker of light through the Force and he assumed this was a indication of a rescue airship. This insight through the Force calmed Plo Koon and his body language confused the men under his command.

"Sergeant, why are you so certain no one is coming?" Plo Koon asked

"We're just clones, sir. We're meant to be expendable."

"Not to me. Every single one of you are important." Plo Koon replied firmly


"We're closing in on the debris field Anakin." Skye said

She peered over her laptop and took in the majestic view. Skye remembered her time in St Agnes orphanage in New York/Lothal and how miserable it became in a short time. Yet one thing that made her time there bareable was the Priest of nearby Clinton church Father Lantom. Father Lantom took the well behaved children to the roof of Clinton Church to stare at the stars using a powerful telescope donated by one of the church parishoners. It didn't bother Skye that Sister Maggie the head of the orphanage glared at all the children during this activity and that the nun terrified Skye. Skye was ecstatic just to see how bright and beautiful each star was.

"Shield Agents dropped you off here...Mary Sue." Father Lantom muttered

"My name is Skye not Mary Sue. I don't care what Sister Maggie or my birth certificate says. Wait a minute...Shield Agents?" Skye asked

"Yes. One of them retired from Shield and confessed to me several weeks ago. I assume she wasn't authorized to do that and I believe this particular Shield Agent went into hiding. They confessed because of what they felt uncomfortable with the idea of lying to a child even if its for a good reason. Normally nothing that is said in the confession booth leaves the booth but if it concerns your safety...anyway your birth parents may have come from the stars Skye. At least that's what the Shield Agent told me." Father Lantom told her as Skye stared at the moon

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