Rescue Operation

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Hondo was annoyed. Apparently there was to be no auction as his pirate forces struggled to defeat one woman.

"Well what do you know the Calvary has arrived." Obi Wan said

"How is one woman who isn't a Jedi considered a Calvary?" Hondo asked surprised

"Agent May isn't an ordinary woman." Obi Wan noted

"I can't see. My men can't fight. I was gong to retire from this life of thievery. Go somewhere nice like Italia Naboo. Instead of living in Cyprus/Florrum. Well as my mother always said when there is no profit in a place of business...find a new place of business.
Good day gentlemen." Hondo said as he left the room

The lights abruptly turned back on the three Force users as if Hondo did a magic trick he was nowhere to be found. However Anakin realized it was due to the backup generators. Anakin knew his trusted droid R2D2 and Fitz caused the power failure. He smiled when R2 showed up inside his cell as if he read Anakin's thoughts. After being freed and receiving his lightsaber Anakin and Obi Wan held Count Dooku at lightsaber point. Dooku smiled.

"What's so funny Dooku?" Anakin demanded glowering at him

"You're not the only one with backup Skywalker and I've concealed his presence from you and Obi Wan using the Dark Side."

"Who could possibly free you by overcoming our combined efforts Dooku?" Obi Wan asked

Mike Peterson entered the room and he was covered in cybernetic parts just like the Seperatist military leader General Grievous.


May was furious. She didn't like operating in the field. It brought back dark memories of her final mission before resigning as a field agent. The mission in Bahrain kept playing in her head over and over. A pirate would fire their blaster and miss and May would leap over them. Before the pirate could turn around she'd strike them in the temple of their head to knock them out. She was even angrier that Captain Rex and his Clone battalion stared in awe at May's combat skills. She didn't want to be a celebrity within Shield's ranks. All she cared about was rescuing Anakin and Obi Wan and hopefully putting an end to the Clone Wars by capturing Count Dooku.

"Skye you're cleared to proceed." May commanded

Skye didn't respond and May saw that she was nowhere to be found. Then she saw an airvent nearby and the panel blocking it was removed. May cursed as she realized Skye went after Anakin and Obi Wan alone. May was afraid of this ever since Skye learned that she and Anakin used to be friends. Skye was impulsive and obsessed with her past and now May realized Skye was putting herself at serious risk of getting hurt.

"Coulson you and the rest of the team need to move in quickly. Skye could be in trouble. Rex and the 501st follow me." May said struggling to remain calm


Skye could hear Anakin and Obi Wan struggling to fight Mike Peterson. He was equipped with multiple blasters and blaster cannons on his arms and shoulders. She assumed that amount of fire made it difficult for the two Jedi to defeat Mike. She tried to catchup to him but Ian Quinn held her at blasterpoint. He was blocking the cell area where Anakin, Obi Wan and Mike were fighting. He gave Skye a sinister smile while Skye was forced to put her hands above her head after dropping her blaster on the ground.

"You cost me a lot of money. Even worse Skye you cost me my credibility with the other Seperatist leaders. It's sweet knowing I have you under my thumb and I will win favor with Count Dooku."
Quinn taunted

"Dooku and Mike are gone and soon you'll be locked up with nothing to show for it. So much for your brilliant plan." Skye taunted back

"It's not my plan it's the Clairvoyant's plan to earn Dooku's trust. The real Clairvoyant and their mole will be the key to winning the Clone Wars. You will just be a small sacrifice to ensure it will happen." Quinn said

"What?" Skye asked confused

Quinn shot Skye in the stomach with her blaster and Skye groaned in pain.

"It's ok Skye. You're not dead. This is all part of the plan." Quinn falsely reassured shooting her a second time

Skye whimpered as she lay on the ground. Quinn dropped his blaster and surrendered as reinforcements arrived. All of a sudden Quinn struggled to breathe. He was being levitated off the ground. He turned and saw Anakin Skywalker enraged holding out his arm and using his right hand to lift him using the Force. Quinn was terrified because he never saw Skywalker like this.

"Anakin put him down! Skye needs medical attention!" Obi Wan yelled

Anakin reluctantly dropped Quinn. Quinn wheezing and gasping as he got from the ground and with a raspy voice said.

"For the right price Coulson I'll tell you why the real Clairvoyant and not the cheap impostor wanted me to shoot Skye."

Before Coulson could understand what Quinn meant Ward shot Quinn in the head and Quinn fell to the ground dead.
Coulson looked at Ward in shock while Obi Wan gave orders to transport Skye to a medical bay on the Bus.

Agents of The Clone Wars (Book 1): The Clairvoyant Conspiracy Where stories live. Discover now