Nothing Personal

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Author's Note

Skye and Ward's conversation may be similar to the canon Agents of Shield storyline but trust me when I say it will go on a different path than the Canon storyline and that Ward will get some form of redemption unlike Canon.

So please continue to comment on your thoughts about the story and vote if you like this chapter.

"Wow...Ward you have impeccable taste. Skye is a cutie. Look at her. Ten out of ten. You know Skye I thought you were just a pretty face but you're much more than that. You encrypted this data pad so that I can't have any access to the information you have on the chemical that saved your life. Coulson has taught you well but...I can give you a trade.

I can end the blockade on Ryloth/Algeria and allow the United Republic to deliver much needed supplies to the Twi'lek civilians in the nation. Dooku is basically my partner now that I have you. He's been interested in you for many years. A Force Sensitive girl with the potential to have unique powers don't grow on trees. Just give me the decryption code for your data pad and the Twi'le civilians can get food and water." Garrett offered

Skye scowled at Garrett as she eyed Mike Peterson equipped with armor and weapons standing behind him and Ward leaning on the wall to his left.

"Mike please think of your son. He looks up to you as a hero. Help me escape so we can stop Hydra and the Seperatist." Skye pleaded

"There's no use begging Mike for help. As long as I have his son Ace. He'll do exactly what I will say without saying a word. I guess you can call Ace in the hole." Garrett joked with laughter

Ward folded his arms and looked uncomfortable as he leaned against the wall. Mike Peterson remained motionless and silent. Skye continued to scowl at Garrett with disgust.

"What? Lighten up guys. To get through war you gotta crack a few jokes. Ward...seriously. I like Skye but there'll be other women for you to date when we win."

"You're not winning! I'm not going to decrypt the data pad and give you the information you want! You might as well just kill me and get it over with. Have your pet psycho killer slice my throat like he did to Agent Koenig!" Skye yelled pointing at Ward

Garrett sighed, "I guess we're going to do good cop and bad cop. Believe it or not Skye...Ward is the good cop. He'll get first opportunity to change your mind and if he doesn't then you'll be dealing with me and Mike. Oh and Skye, I won't be in a good mood the next time we see each other so think carefully before you reject Ward. Come on Mike. Let's give the two love birds some privacy."

Garrett and Mike left the room leaving Ward alone with Skye.


"Are you sure about this sir? Ward is with Garrett and Fitz's life form scans picked up Mike Peterson aboard the Bus. How are you going to sneak inside and get Skye without getting captured yourself?" Simmons asked

"Ward isn't...he can't...there's a good reason why he kidnapped Skye. He can't be evil." Fitz insisted.

"Fitz you need to wake up! Ward is evil! He tricked all of us into thinking he was loyal to Shield and the Republic! But he killed Agent Triplett, Agent Keonig and who knows how many others and for what? Service to sociopaths like Garrett and Dooku!" Simmons shouted

"Stop arguing you too. You guys are friends. The best of friends and have known each other for five years. It's times like these that you work together with the ones you're closest to and trust them." Coulson urged

"If that's the case then why did you send May with Agent Hand and Ahsoka? You two have known each other for 15 years!" Simmons challenged

Coulson was speechless struggling to think of an answer.

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