501st Batallion

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"Hello my name B1-X rank private chain code number 4527819-D. I'm malfunctioning and cannot gain access to the door." Clint Barton said imitating the voice of a droid

"This is most unusual. Why are your speech patterns different 819-D? Roger Roger." The Commando Droid replied staring at the monitor

Fives stared in alarm, while Hevy placed a hand over Echo's mouth. Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi smirked.

"I'm fine Roger, Roger. Just a minor glitch Roger, Roger." Clint Barton replied awkwardly

Clint Barton strained to hold the droid head he cut off a random droid on guard duty using one of his explosive arrows steady. He also concentrated on the instructions Skye was feeding into his comm link.

"There is movement on the west side of the base I just detected. It must be the Clones attempting to retake the base Roger, Roger. I can assist with the apprehension of these Clones by utilizing the monitoring system. My programming was specifically designed to look for problems via the monitoring system Roger Roger." Clint Barton explained struggling to maintain his battle Droid voice

"Ok 819-D. Just one moment. Roger, Roger." The Commando Droid replied

The door opened and Obi Wan Kenobi channeled the Force to push all the droids backward. Though a couple of the Commando Droids managed to stay upright by utilizing the magnetic clamps underneath their feet. Clint Barton aka Hawkeye drew his compact bow and highly pressurized explosive arrows. He fired at the heads of both Commando Droids while the three remaining Clones of Domino Squad fired their blasters at the dozen beige B1 level battle droids as they struggled to their feet. Obi Wan used his lightsaber to destroy the two Commando Droids on the ground.

"More droids are coming from other parts of the base. Skye how much time would it take to shut down the connection between Rishii Base and Kamino?" Hawkeye asked

"Ask her if there is enough time to hack into any Seperatist networks in Denmark/Serenno? We could learn a lot about what Dooku is planning." Obi Wan requested

"General, Kamino should have priority! Our brothers are at risk if this mission fails sir!" Hevy yelled

"Hevy you shouldn't talk that way to a General. You should respect the chain of command." Echo scolded

Hawkeye continued to consult with Skye over his comm link in the background.

"This isn't time to be following regulations or following orders. Our brothers are at risk because of the actions of a traitor among our midst. We cannot allow the actions of one traitor to cause our home to be destroyed! The place we grew to care for one another and become a family is what Kamino means to us! General Kenobi doesn't understand what losing Kamino means to us Clones!" Hevy bellowed

"Forgive him General Kenobi. Hevy just wants to protect our brothers back home." Fives said to Obi Wan

"I understand. If the Jedi Temple were attacked. I'd feel the same way. We will not waste this opportunity Hevy. We will ensure Kamino remains safe from Separatist hands." Obi Wan promised

"Guys Skye said there isn't enough time to disrupt the connection between this base and Kamino electronically. We're going to have to blow it to smithereens and disrupt the connection physically. Problem is the droids will be coming in less than 5 minutes. Skye is stalling them with turret guns inside the hallways but that tech will only hold them off temporarily." Hawkeye explained

"I have an idea but it's going to require us to go inside that underground exit in the back of the room." Hevy said

They all fled to the exit when Hevy closed the door. He fired his blaster bolt sealing the lock and Obi Wan bowed his head. Hawkeye and the Clones realized that Obi Wan knew what Hevy was doing and Fives and Echo called out to Hevy. Hawkeye grabbed Fives and Obi Wan grabbed Echo and dragged then out of the tunnels. They could hear the door to the main room of the base break open. Fives started crying knowing that he'd never see Hevy again and that he and Echo were the final two survivors of Domino Squad.

"General Grevious we managed to break through. We also blocked all network access to the base's information network. The hacker is locked out of the system. We can continue taking control of the Rishii Station network and connect to the network on Kamino. Roger Roger." A B1 Battle Droid Officer explained

"Once you are done. Let me know so that I begin to coordinate the attack on Kamino. Kill anyone you capture that's remaining on the base." General Grevious replied

"Yes sir. Roger Roger." The B1 Battle Droid Officer replied

"Sir it's a Clone. We can detain him and subject him to an interrogation." A Commando Droid reported

"No the General said to kill all the intruders. Understood." The B1 Battle Droid Officer replied

"Yes Commander. Roger Roger." The Commando Droid said with a salute

Three dozen droids approached the Clone who sat cross legged on the floor. They pointed their weapons at him and didn't realize he was holding a heavy blaster canon. Hevy smiled knowing that he would die but he would die firing the weapon that his name was based on. The weapon that helped his squad succeed during training on Kamino.

"Surrender Clone. You're outnumbered and outgunned. Any last words." The B1 Battle Droid Officer said

"Yeah. You lost clankers, Roger Roger." Hevy said as he fired his heavy blaster canon

The weapon was connected to the energy core that powered the whole base. If overheated too quickly through connection to a device that uses a lot of energy than the core would explode. In seconds the core overheated and a fiery explosion spilled out throughout the military base.

"Hevy!" Echo called out

Obi Wan and Hawkeye stood in respectful silence as Echo and Fives mourned their comrade in the snowy cold outside the burning base.


"Congratulations to both of you. You showed true courage in the most challenging of circumstances. You lost your brothers due to treachery within your own ranks. Faced a situation greater than what your rank required of you and played a role in the disruption of a major Separatist operation that saved our home Kamino. Both of you have earned the right to be inducted as full fledged combat ready Clone troopers in my unit the the 501st." Captain Rex said with a salute

"Wow...I'm honored. The 501st...combat ready trooper...we've earned this right." Echo stuttered while saluting

"I can see why you're named Echo." Rex joked

"I thank you sir. We thank you sir. We're honored to serve under you in the 501st. We will honor the deaths of Droidbait, Cutup and Hevy by serving the United Republic with excellence and courage." Fives replied

"Well let's roll out. We have another mission. We are to accompany General Skywalker and Commander Tano and the Shield team." Captain Rex ordered

"Yes sir." Fives and Echo replied

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