I've seen the future

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"I'll be honest. My plan did not take into consideration you'd be kidnapping yourself. I guess Agent May can tell me I told you so." Coulson acknowledged

"It wouldn't have been possible without Sergeant Slick. He and I both realized that this war between the United Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Nations would result in the indentured servitude of Clones and Scientists like myself. I tricked Slick into becoming a defector and the Seperatist believed it. Then I urged Quinn to hold out on sharing my discovery with Dooku to get more power within the Seperatist movement. Quinn also thought he could use me as bait to lure Shield out. A captured or killed Shield team would make Quinn look impressive to Dooku or that's what he thought to himself." Dr. Hall explained

"Sergeant Slick was the head of your security detail...this all makes sense. You do realize you telling me your plan while I'm armed with a weapon and you're not isn't the smartest idea." Coulson said

Dr. Franklin Hall was a balding man in his early 60s who was short with a pauch belly and glasses. He wouldn't be considered a physical threat even on his best day.

"You shoot me or anyone else kills me then this device in my hand activates. It'll trigger a bunch of explosives that Sergeant Slick planted throughout the island. Their proximity based explosives once their set they're wirelessly connected to the trigger device in my hand." Dr. Hall warned

"Dead man's switch." Coulson gasped

"Exactly. I've seen the future, Agent Coulson, and it's a catastrophe. No one will understand the good I did here." Dr. Hall said

Coulson walked closer to Dr. Hall on a walkway he realized was just glass. He could see a shiny and silvery liquid that floated in an erratic fashion bumping up against the glass. The liquid then drifted to the bottom of the floor and then once it hit the floor rose towards the glass. Dr. Hall took a step back and shook his head.

"Don't come any closer. Or I press this button and this base is a hole in the ground."

"What's your play here? Wait for Dooku to send Seperatist forces here to take you away from Quinn and take away his leverage? Dooku doesn't care about Quinn. He could just stall and wait for Quinn to give up his scheme for more influence in the Seperatist movement. Then the only people who die from this attack are just innocent people."

"Your Shield team isn't innocent Coulson. Shield, the Jedi, the United Republic...none of you are innocent. Your presence provokes violence from outside forces. Escalating into a wave of destruction that no one can escape. Opportunists like Quinn and the Trade Federation are the fuel that keeps this destruction going. I will not allow my research to be used to continue this pattern of violence." Dr. Hall said

"You blow the island than Dooku wins. You're basically doing what Dooku wants." Coulson warned

"No because the Rishii Island base is a homing beacon for a massive EMP that will plunge Denmark/Serenno and all the surrounding territory into the stone age. Every device or power source will shut down and that includes the droids stationed there and in nearby territories. In addition it will automatically do the same to Papa New Guinea/Kamino. I'm going to end the Clone Wars before it escalates and produces something much worse." Dr. Hall explained

"Killing innocent people? Is this who you've regressed into?" Coulson asked

"Millions could die but I'd be saving billions more. We have to live with the choices we make, but sometimes we have to die with them, too. If I die then I know it's because I stepped up and did right even if it means playing the villain."

"Shield aren't the bad guys. We use technology to help people. You can still help us Dr. Hall. All you need to do is give me the device. You don't have to die." Coulson offered

"Shield's search for an unlimited power source brought an alien invasion. Now you want me to trust you with Gravitonium. A substance that alters the gravity field in any environment it's in. Gravitonium misused can destroy the entire planet! I can't risk that." Dr. Hall replied skeptically

"Fair enough. You've made your point Dr. Hall. We have to live with the choices we make. So I'm sorry about the choice I'm about to make." Coulson said

Coulson aimed his blaster at the floor and shot the glass underneath their feet. Coulson grabbed the railing of the walkway while Dr. Hall fell into the Gravitonium. His body rose but broke down until it disappeared into the Gravitonium. The substance floated around harmlessly inside the laboratory but Dr. Hall was nowhere to be found. Coulson bowed his head and looked at the floating Gravitonium that absorbed Dr. Hall.

"Ward I'm going to need help getting out of this lab." Coulson said into his comm link

Coulson continued to hold the railing to the walkway.


Ian Quinn was furious. His plan to use Dr. Hall and his research as a way to form a business relationship with Count Dooku and gain considerable influence within the Seperatist movement failed. Now Skye a person he knew by reputation who initially wanted to form a business partnership was a traitor. A spy working for Shield. Skye was surprisingly silent while Quinn attempted to question her in his office. Her face was neutral as he pointed a blaster at her. The fact that Skye didn't look scared made Quinn more infuriated. It seemed Quinn's place at a table full of power players wasn't ready to be filled.

"Malta/Batonn is where I could pursue progress and profit without the stranglehold of regulations that are now choking our world. The United Republic, the Jedi Order and S.H.I.E.L.D. These are just a few of the institutions that are guilty of halting the development of new technology for anyone except themselves. We dare defy them with a new idea, they steal in and sweep it out from under us. Skye you used to believe that but now you're selling out for Shield." Quinn accused

"Dooku attempted to kidnap me and he kidnapped Mike and his son Ace. Shield has its shortcomings but it's a whole galaxy better than you trying to be Dooku's mascot." Skye shot back

"This is Agent Phil Coulson. Everyone must leave this island immediately. It's currently rigged to explode. All you partygoers need to evacuate the island immediately. Oh and Quinn just wanna say that the Gravitonium isn't your property anymore. So if I were you I'd stay far away from Count Dooku. Underneath that calm demeanor of Dooku's is a guy who can get very angry when confronting people who fail him." Coulson announced over a loudspeaker

"Well Skye since I'm about to lose my home maybe you'd like to accompany me. Perhaps Rising Tide and I could get acquainted and form a partnership." Ian Quinn suggested still holding Skye at blaster point

"Skye already has a partnership and it's with me." Ahsoka said

She used the Force to hurl Quinn into a wall and he was knocked out cold.

"Where did you come from?" Skye asked in shock

Ahsoka pointed to the ceiling vent.

"I snuck in from the ceiling vent in the room next door. One of Quinn's bodyguards wanted me to give them a private show. Yuck." Ahsoka explained

"Thanks Ahsoka." Skye said

"Are you guys alright?" Anakin asked as he barged into the room

"We're good master. Look I captured Quinn!" Ahsoka said in excitement

"Most impressive. I'll bring Quinn back to the Bus. Skye you're going to need to access Quinn's network in order for us to retake Rishii base. Ahsoka will protect you. Ahsoka make sure to take good care of R2. I have him helping Coulson on depowering Dr. Hall and Sergeant Slick's explosives."

"Yes master. Don't worry I won't let you down."

"May the Force be with you." Anakin said before departing

Agents of The Clone Wars (Book 1): The Clairvoyant Conspiracy Where stories live. Discover now