Whatever it takes

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Coulson grabbed Skye and covered her mouth as he freed her from her handcuffs.

"We need to go while the power is still out." Coulson whispered

Skye and Coulson ran for the hangar bay of the Bus but a stun blaster bolt barely missed them. It was fired from Mike's wrist mounted blaster and he used his cybernetic enhancements to increase his speed. Mike was catching up to them but thankfully Coulson's flying car Lola was close. Ward was shooting at them from the other side of the hangar with a stun blaster of his own. Coulson threw a flash grenade that blinded Ward and Mike. Then Skye and Coulson scrambled into Lola flying out of the hangar bay.

"How did-" Skye began

"FitzSimmons are controlling the base from the inside using our shuttle aircraft. We'll guide Lola to the ground and rendezvous with FitzSimmons at Providence base." Coulson explained


"Ward have I been a fool to put my trust in you?" Garrett asked

He was standing next to two battle droids that Ward didn't realize Garrett stashed away on his own shuttle before docking it inside the hangar bay of the Bus. Mike Peterson stood to the side of Garrett glaring at Ward.

"No. You taught me everything I know about being a Shield Agent. You're my SO."

"Son don't patronize me. Shield doesn't exist anymore. Galaxy I'm not even telling you to be a true believer to Dooku's cause like Raina is. All I ask of you is loyalty to me. That's it. Do you even think I need these battle droids or Mike anymore? Thanks to your little girlfriend Skye, Raina had the data to perfect the GH 325 formula that saved her and Coulson's lives. Except Raina refined it so when she injected me with it I became immortal. Battle droids shoot me."

"Um sir. The Seperatist programmed us to protect anyone in service to Count Dooku. We can't shoot you Roger Roger." The 1st battle droid said

"Well technically we could if we knew you wouldn't be harmed and this furthered the mission. However we don't know if the calculations that Raina provided-"

"Assume the calculations are accurate!" Garrett screamed

"Yes sir. Roger Roger." The second droid said sheepishly

They shot at Garrett and to Ward's surprise Garrett wasn't dead. The blaster bolt scars on his clothes remained but his skin healed in seconds. Garrett laughed.

"You know what Shield did to me kid. They betrayed me. They said all the right things about how they were honored that I chose to serve the United Republic by joining Shield. Yet in Italia Naboo in the middle of a war between the trade federation and the people of Naboo I was wounded on a mission. Droids shot me so bad my guts were spilling out. Ha, ha, ha, I didn't have a magic formula to heal back in the 90s. I needed a medical evacuation but Shield didn't get me one. I bled for them and was dying for them but I was just another Agent. A number like those Clones the Republic use."

"Ugh I hate Clones they suck." The first droid said

Garrett looked at Mike and gestured with his head. Mike understood the order and used his wrist launcher on the first droid. The rocket from Mike's wrist launcher hit the droid and it exploded. Ward threw up his hands to protect himself from the debris despite standing ten feet away. Garrett who was only three feet away was hit by metal shrapnel. Both Ward and Mike noticed it took longer for Garrett to heal from Mike's wrist launcher blast than a blaster bolt attack from the droids.

"Now what did we learn?" Garrett asked the remaining droid

"Don't talk while you're talking. Roger Roger."

Agents of The Clone Wars (Book 1): The Clairvoyant Conspiracy Where stories live. Discover now